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  1. garden11

    HELP! How do i block out light!

    Hi, If you cut a hole somewhere, just make a box to place over the hole. What side you place the box is up to you.. Make an extension on the box downwards, this will be the intake on the box. Make sure the width of the box is matched with the withdh of the extension. the box doesnt have to be...
  2. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Ty! Much appriciated response! I've been wondering bout the same thing, especially after reading around . I have a suspicion that its more likly to be phosphorus, since im using tapwater. Been seeing some threads saying that tapwater would have mg! Maybe its locked out? I measured ph in the...
  3. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Hi, recently started to grow my own medicine. Its been interesting and have had some trials and error during the veg stage. I want to send a thank you to everyone using forums, its been such a good help to understand the basics. Atm I try to keep it as organic as possible, and have used very...
  4. garden11


    Wait until about 1/4 of the trichomes have become amber :) Read it somewhere!