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  1. garden11

    Possible hermaphrodite, confirmation needed :(

    I'd give up on it, if you don't want to spend hours and hours, day after day. Just to discover when you dry it, that all you have is hermie seeds and not much tasty smoke. I'd recommend not using seeds from a hermie plant :)
  2. garden11

    Possible hermaphrodite, confirmation needed :(

    pray you don't have pollen allergies? :P
  3. garden11

    Possible hermaphrodite, confirmation needed :(

    picture 1 is hard to identify anything due to poor picture imo, second picture shows a classic male dominant hermie! edit. Unless its herming very late, i'd just kill the plant.
  4. garden11

    How much can I grow indoors without getting caught?

    Theres a lot of vids on youtube :P It's not so hard, imo its just creative bending. I've been doing for a year now with great sucsess. Breaking a branch, so it doesnt die isnt that hard either. It requires a bit of practise tho. Knowing when the inner stem colapses and when to squish it before...
  5. garden11

    Plants drooping at night

    Hey guys :) First of, you should know that the teachers and professors are arguing about this day in and day out. Personally i have my vegging plants with ligths 24/7. No issues, just good ol'fashion perky growin'. I read Op's post and thougth; what kind of grow is this? You have very little...
  6. garden11

    My beautiful bag seed female to late to transplant?

    Hi, nice looking plants you have there. :) Theres ways to avoid heigth problem, next time have a plant on the side wich you trie out diffrent teqhnices on. I always do a combination of limb stressing and using wire to tie her down. This will help you utulize your ligth better as you can make the...
  7. garden11

    All My Pictures!!!

    I have one just like that, funny thing tho, when it sprouted from the seed it had 3 seedling leafs. im growing a batch of regular leebaneese this time around :) would give you a pic of the little one, but havent got a camera anymore :(
  8. garden11

    How to get biggest buds from my grow?

    Hi, I'e been experimenting over the last year. Growing several strains, with various technics tried out. From my point of view a new grower needs to sort out healthy genetics first. Finding a good strong female within the strains you want to grow is probably your nr 1 task in the beginning. I...
  9. garden11

    My plant 4 weeks in flower. Few problems need help

    i been looking for that chart, thx OldLuck :D
  10. garden11

    Humidity Problems, tried everything...I think

    i think the problem migth be passive ventilation. Am I understanding you correct that there is no circulation inside the tent? To draw out humidity of said towels, cups of water etc, the air needs to be moving around inside the tent. That beeing said, your plants will be more than happy for...
  11. garden11

    Seed Germination To Seedling Question!

    I've seen some taproots getting greenish after a while , while germinating. Most are white aye. One of the current germinated seeds had most of its root turn green and was already shedding hits shell before i put it in soil. When it comes to "fur", its when the taproot starts making shitloads...
  12. garden11

    Seed Germination To Seedling Question!

    thx for replies :D The soil i use is pretty much a cactus/seedling soil. It dries out fairly fast, and I migth have been too active watering it. Also migth have been packing it too tigth. I'll take that with me when i set the next strain i got. Also an inch beeing 2.54 cm, i can see im putting...
  13. garden11

    First grow, male or female?

    Nice pic, although the ligth makes it a bit difficult to see. picture 1 is to early to say what it is. It looks to me that in picture 2 you have the beginning of a female genitalia with its form and the sligth small white dots on the top of it. But what worries me is the formation around it...
  14. garden11

    Seed Germination To Seedling Question!

    I'm trying to figure out where im doing it wrong. :wall: For some reason latly my germinated seeds doesnt want to grow up to a seedling. This last time 7 of 9 seeds germinated, and only one have grown into a seedling. I get the seed to germinate to they have about 1 -> 1,5 cm tail. I usually...
  15. garden11

    Identification of strange thing growing on my fem.

    thx for looking at it atleast :) cheers
  16. garden11

    Identification of strange thing growing on my fem.

    its beneath the second node from the bottom up, where the new branch goes up in the bud, underneath theres a male organ and a calyx's beside it. sorry bout the bad photo, need to get me a better camera :( Saw some pictures from varius hermies and the likeness was striking. i wont risk my other...
  17. garden11

    Identification of strange thing growing on my fem.

    I was inspecting my females, when i found something I'd never seen before. Its shaped like a banana and bit yellow. Its rigth beside where a femalebud have started to form. Anyone have any idea what this could be?
  18. garden11

    2 week old not looking so good

    Hmm, it seems to me your falling into the classic trap of overcaring for your little friend here. I'm no expert, but it could be you have been giving it too much water, let it dry out before watering again. Also the new purpeling could be due to temprature as well as its getting close to...
  19. garden11

    Shrivelled Buds and poorly leaves

    Hard to tell without any pictures. Aslo include temp measurments and roomhumidity etc where the colas are. Details like is it an oscillating fan or a standstill one. Sounds a bit unusuall that theres little or no trichomes, have looked at it under a magnifying glass x10-30? What spectrum does...
  20. garden11

    Problems identifying deficiency!

    Rum, that should be good enugh :D gl and hf on the grow man, hope they don't grow out of the cupboard :P hehe