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  1. garden11

    Light Setup Help!

    I grow with cfl's under both flowering and vegging. All I can say is, im happy with the result after drying and curing. And in my book, that is what counts :P I have 2 square meters wich i use 2x 125'w + 4x 23w .
  2. garden11

    Gnats - From colony to high kingdom.. -.-

    Now that was some funny shit lol.. Dookz: Your rigth, the soil is the source of the gnat problem. My issue here is that i only have one local dealer, and he just dont care since he got monopoly on selling soil and other gardening stuff. Im guessing he dont use the soil indoors at his own home...
  3. garden11

    Gnats - From colony to high kingdom.. -.-

    much appriciated, keep em comming! Any insects that loves to eat gnats?
  4. garden11

    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    The batch that is ready for the 12-12 is just remnants of the bagseed strain i've been working on this last year for learning purposes. I've worked out my own technique to even out my canapee by tieing down branches in a circular spin, wich gives me a decent yeild, even under cfl. Back to the...
  5. garden11

    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    Heres a picture of my current batch ready a couple weeks of 12-12.
  6. garden11

    Fems or Regs

    regs takes longer time, as you have to find a mother among the herd. Fems is abit like plug and play if you have the rigth genetics. Personally i favor regs, but time and money make me grow fems.. my 5 cent ^^
  7. garden11

    Week four flowering, tips changing -- normal? Or a problem...???

    They look just like the ones im growing atm. When I see tip burns like these, the first thing that springs to mind, is that its getting a bit heavy on nutes. But then again, your 4 weeks into flowering, and your ppm sounds quite normal. I woundt worry, from what i've seen, the flowering process...
  8. garden11

    WTF is this bug, i named him Gorlok destroyer of worlds, after i attempted to...

    and what does this leafhopper do? Besides haveing access to alien technology like invisble cloak fields? Does it eat gnats? I've got alot of gnats...
  9. garden11

    Young Seedlings turning yellow...? Thanks for taking a look.

    Lot of pre fabricated soil tend to sneak in nutrients into their products. That combined with very wet soil and clohrine/chloramine water is a recipy for hair ripping. I actually went out of my house, dug up some sandy dirt from the basement and mixxed that with some basic soil from a park...
  10. garden11

    so i pull out my plants today

    Smell can be bad aye, when it happens to me i run to my local shop and buy rosmarin and lavender. If you have a garden, fill it with other smelling plants! :)
  11. garden11


    Does it rain where you live? The best water comes el natural, I gather as much as i can when the skies open and the snow comes. :)
  12. garden11

    First Grow - 5 days from Germ

    It could also be that its a bit low on the humid side. I've had issues with that my self (25-30%). A friend came over and put up a small wet towel inside my grow room and told me to change it when it got dry. It bumped it up to 45% straight away. (i guess if it gets to humid, its easy to...
  13. garden11

    Gnats - From colony to high kingdom.. -.-

    Rod: What is a crushed moscito dunk? Bellcore: That sounds interesting, I'll take a trip down to my local store and ask. Have to check as you said if it can be used for soil. At least its a bacteria, and not chems.. :D
  14. garden11

    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    I've been thinking about giving 18/6 or 20/4. Doing a redesign of the growroom in the spring, should be able to put in a new timer into that budget. Is leebaneese a purp strain?
  15. garden11

    Gnats - From colony to high kingdom.. -.-

    I've been at it for a year now, growing and learning day by day. But theres something that never change no matter how hard I try, and that is keeping the gnats under control. So far I've been trying; - Sand couple of inches on the top of the soil - seems my gnats know all about this and laugh...
  16. garden11

    Slight problem :\

    After about 14 days the seed leafs and first set of leafs usually gets a bit yellow etc. Bit like a newborn shedding its first skin so to speak. I wouldnt worry to much. Personally I pinch those off at the stage your at in the pictures. And I'd wait to i'd get a couple more nodes before I give...
  17. garden11

    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    I took some more pictures, although It's not the best camera in the world.
  18. garden11

    CFL 6850K (3x25W) + 10,000k (1x65W) + 2300k (1x60W)

    You worry to much, hehe.. I've gotten that type of thing on my leafs from time to time. It have never been an issue for me. :) I've had issues with ph beeing low and high, and trust me, you'll freak out when that happens. It's a much more devastating encounter :P Imo, it looks like a healthy...
  19. garden11

    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    Small grow room, cfl ligth, soil, 24 hour ligth, little to no nutrients, tap water, a poor man's amature setup :) From time to time i get alot of purple/red stem issues. As you can see from the pictures. I'm curious to know what the plants is trying to tell me. Sometimes its the whole plant...
  20. garden11

    Pics Galore! (and some gender inquiries)

    it looks a bit droopy, Migth bounce if you skip another day between watering :)