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  1. C

    4x4 Ebb n Flow White Russian SoG Style

    Great Grwo Bro, Keep up the good work. not bad for your first setup. i plan on doing the same setup with my tents. i got a 4x8 tent . thinking of doing 2x1000 or 2x600. ill see. just waiting for my 2 mommas to veg out enough clones! then im good to go!
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    1000w 4x4 Bubbleberry scrog

    by the way. she doesnt look happy. im telling you dwc!!! she looks drooopppy .
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    1000w 4x4 Bubbleberry scrog

    to be honest... i think the screen should of been introuduced when the plant was 6 inches. use clones. also use a homemade bubble system aka Deep water culture. i make all my own shit. when in veg you only gotta change rezs out once every two weeks depending on heat and all that good stuff. i...
  4. C

    Someguy15s Perpetual 1kw Pineapple Express & More

    had the same exact 8ong... but the perculaters were alien skulls :) stupid room mate broke the bottom flask part on the tile... so far he only gave me 180 of the 380+ piece...
  5. C

    600w Perpetual Ebb & Flow Dyna-Gro Barneys Red Dragon... Help plz... Grow

    i would like tooo taggg along... i got tables myself but am not using em at the moment... using dwc bucketsss under a thousanddd /big Budd strain... with a screen on top... i want to see how your sog turnss out man. good luck
  6. C

    Should some leafage be pruned to let light penetrate canopy

    if i were you i would definitely take off some extra leafage.. i got some 6ft kush going along and damn... i didnt realize to prune em untill like week 7... no they are doing better and filling up nicely... just dont get to crazy... maybe even cut some leaves in half instead of fully plucking a...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    starting my next cycle of clones in coco, done rock wool and soil.. currently have a strain of kush in about 9 weeks now... still got at least another 3 or 4 weeks to go... fucking sativas... hopefully this next strain is mostly indica... i totally messed up my cycle due to having these kush...
  8. C

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    i use to play against you in socom... i believe in gamebattles. my names were xQuick. something along them lines...its been a while... remember how people wouild rank up with 20ps2's... well i was like 15 at that time and i had 9... now im doing this grow shit.,.. i shoulda been doing this years...
  9. C

    Bulk monotub shroom grow.

    gypsum powder will not break your tek... i am follwing the same tek as you are and have had 3 succesfull tubs... works great and still am tryin to perfect it.