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  1. T

    I think I got male

    dude its a dude
  2. T

    trichome pics. Is this plant done?

    hahaha for the rep thing .... roflmao lol
  3. T

    trichome pics. Is this plant done?

    this might help you out my friend-- this has always been a little gem that i keep to myself but hey seeing as its you ...try this:wink: hope it helps you out....... oh some +rep would be appreciated:wink:,if it helps... peace
  4. T

    Best ways to transition into flowering?

    mate the decision is entirely yours ....but i wouldnt flush before you go into flowering because all you are going to do is deplete the plant of the food that you have been giving it so far...why do you want to starve the plant of nutrients at this vital time in its life? giving the plant the...
  5. T

    HPS light problems

    i second that motion:-P
  6. T

    Quick question about seeds

    unless its a hermi....:!:
  7. T

    love for weed

    not being cheeky -but are you a beanflicker??
  8. T

    love for weed

    lol i like:mrgreen:
  9. T

    taking cuttings from a plant in flower?

    hey dazz...........just a quick reply my friend... you are able to take clones from a flowering plant:mrgreen:-it is just going to take a little longer for the cutting/clone to start producing a root system.:(..another piece of advice i would give you is to do the clone cuttings just before...
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    love for weed

    the gracious herb so nice and sweet oh my what a treat, the sticky goo is nothing but resin-oh my it tastes like heaven.:mrgreen: sorry for petty reply im
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    harvest indicators?

  12. T

    What too many nutrients does..

    good luck bro hope all goes well for you :mrgreen:
  13. T

    harvest indicators?

    :roll::roll::roll::roll: NO MY FRIEND IT ISN'T WORTH IT !!! you dont want ANY MOLD in your weed at all mold is the worst thing that you can happen to your weed-mold is usually caused by the fact that there is too little air circultation/movement around the buds when they are drying for you...
  14. T

    Is candlelight enough to interrupt the dark period?

    the basic rule of thumb is that the plant can withstand the lumen's of the moon when it is full, without reverting your plant back into the vegatative stage,so as long as your green light/candle doesn't exceed that then everything should be just fine....hope that made sence:mrgreen: oh hope it...
  15. T

    friends that grow

    hello and welcome to RIU any time you need help look me up
  16. T

    G'day from Oz

    hello and welcome to RIU
  17. T

    What too many nutrients does..

    wait until your soil is quite dry(:!:dont water b4hand:!:)grab gently by stem and using hardly any pressure take the seedling out of its substrate that it is now in,and transplant into new substrate;-).mist the bottom of the rootmass before you transplant it as well as misting the substrate that...
  18. T

    Is this finished? or not? Pics

    fair comment, please dont take what i am about to say the wrong way:wink: (but just because it says so on the pack-doesn't necessarily mean so-growing time for plant-if you get my meaning) im not saying that thats what you are doing,im just saying that the plant will tell you when she is...
  19. T

    harvest some questions..

    roots are of no use what-so-ever for the plant once it has been harvested :mrgreen: