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  1. T

    25 days old, unknown strain.

    looking good man-but why you think they are auto-flowering??
  2. T

    Got a Question, hope someone knows...

    i agree- i cant see any sacs that are readily visable to the naked eye ----some better pics please;-) peace:leaf:
  3. T

    First growlog pics & rockwool questions (PICS)

    yes....and get some fresh air circulating in there-coz the 1 with browning leaves is not liking it in there too much she needs air and not so much moisture.....hope this helps any;-) peace:leaf:
  4. T

    Is my plant starting to herm?

    unfortunatly my friend you are correct-that is going hermi on you:-(---how do i know?? coz ive had that same problem before-(if it looks like a bannana them its a fully grown male sack about to explode pollen.......hope this helps u any peace
  5. T

    Cloning advice please! PICS

    hey geronamo- you shouldnt have to water the clones from the top ;-),because the dwc should be enough if as you state ( The bottom of the stem isnt poking thru the net cup, its sitting in the medium.;-)..)-however i would tend to mist the tops of the clones (6-8 times a day:!:)simply as you dont...
  6. T

    First Attempt

    its a sativa as you already know my friend....a sativa has its country of origin that is equatorial-therefore it has a longer flowering period than an indica....usually a sativa takes a minimum of ten weeks to fully mature....hope this helps you any my friend..
  7. T

    Cloning advice please! PICS

    usually takes anwhere from 3-10 days till it has grown a substantial enough root system;-) Its my first time cloning, that should speak for itself ha we all had to start somewhere
  8. T

    Purple Kush - 7 weeks flowering

    looking very nice indeed my friend.......this is how i decide whether to chop or not....hope it helps any... peace:leaf:
  9. T

    Cloning advice please! PICS

    mate your clones look fine dont;-) the fact that they are wilting is due to the fact that u have cut meristem;-) and interrupted the flow of nutes etc to the little cutting.:-( order to give your clones the best chance of survival they need to be kept in a humidity dome:-P so...
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    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    hey cheetah how are you my friend-you keeping well? that grow went very well for you i see-congrats mate well done.;-)
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    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

  12. T

    2nd try, 1st one turned male

    good luck bro...peace
  13. T


    not being rude or silly mate but what the hell is it that you are you trying to ask??....;-) all that didnt make sence to me sorry....
  14. T

    wk 5 flowering

    lol..:lol:..weve all done this at some stage of our wont hurt your plant in any way as long as you dont overdo it (cutting) the bud will not be as potent as usual-obviously due to the time constraints put on the plant(being immiture)there wont be a massive amount of resin(thc)...
  15. T

    trichome pics. Is this plant done?

    thats 1 scrawny looking plant there
  16. T

    When and how to *top*

    if i may make a suggestion mate;-)---dont top your plant as you will be removing the apical meristem:-(-and you dont wanna do that(coz thats where most of the goodness grows from)....instead of topping your plant why dont you LST(low stress train)it instead? it has the same benefits as topping...
  17. T

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    this might help anybody who is stuck with deciding when to chop(trichomes wise) good luck and grow hard;-) peace:leaf:
  18. T

    2nd try, 1st one turned male

    mate to be honest with you your baby on the left is going to need some more nutrients added to it:-P,but in saying that i notice that you are using hydro.:!:.....having said that you are going to battle to give one plant more nutes without giving the other any(bcoz they are in the same...