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  1. doobiedaze

    my ballast/light is tripping all the sockets in my flat!

    cut off the main breaker and remover the panel so u can xpose the wires.undo the screws that hold the wires in place and go to the depot and find the same breaker. Reverse process to install...or find a different circuit to grow on
  2. doobiedaze

    my ballast/light is tripping all the sockets in my flat!

    maybe since last week youve plugged something else on that same circuit thats drawing xtra power?
  3. doobiedaze

    How do I tell when the ladies are done

    3 days of rain is no good bro. I live in chicago and had to house them inside 4 a wk 2 finish cuz of the cold and rain that been coming. def had some buds w mold but not much. andd about the buds being redy-i definitely know what FDD is talkin bout.the sugar leaves on the buds get kinda crinkly...
  4. doobiedaze

    Is having a separate MH system worth it??

    Theres plenty of debate over this, but most people agree mh is better for vegging and hps for flowering, with hps bein the best overall. ive only worked with mh and the buds did seem a lil airy but i am still a noob. I guess in rality it depends on if you really want it or not
  5. doobiedaze

    Pruning, topping low riders to produce a better yield?

    i just got done w a ak47xdiesel grow not long ago and i dont think itd b even remotely necessary 2 do any training cept mayb lst. I used lst and it seems 2 have helped but pruning will def slow ur growth down and with relatively no time 4 recovery ur probably gna lose in the end
  6. doobiedaze

    First Grow: Some help with Cab Design/Questions

    ive read u should use pvc pipe w a 90deg angle and paintd black inside to keep that lite from comin in ur intake...and i believe it should b filter then fan so its pulling it out from the filter instead of pushing it thru
  7. doobiedaze

    Where to get good seeds, that ship fast.

    ive only ordered seeds 1x and they were from attitude...took about 6-7days,discreet packaging.just ordered some from well c if they come in by the end of this wk comin up
  8. doobiedaze

    yellowing leaves on auto ak

    im alkmost positive i had the same problem w the same strain.i think calcium?i waited til it was 2 late tho so i coldnt correct it.either calmag or crushed up egg shells boiled and fed can cure it..if its calcium
  9. doobiedaze

    Would this be bad?

    I would check out foxfarms website as ive read around here u cant go wrong w the feeding schedule there
  10. doobiedaze

    Help! Lowryder lighting ratio!

    Thats good thinkin man. I wish i wouldve tried makin seeds but i was 2 worried bout messing up an entire grow...this was b4 i started reading the how tos on it. I havent read nething bout the lemon so can u tell me wut makes it hard?
  11. doobiedaze

    Help! Lowryder lighting ratio!

    Officially my space is a 3x3 table but since i only had five plants ive had the light alot closer, mayb 12-18in tops. Im using ffof, gave earth juice bloom and molasses throughout flower.I still fed a lil N w earth juice grow til i had 1 mth left, and stopped feeding right around 2 wks ago, and...
  12. doobiedaze

    When is the best time to water/feed?

    Most ppl water 1 thing in the mornin and i do as well...supposed 2 stop possible mold,i believe
  13. doobiedaze

    Help! Lowryder lighting ratio!

    Im getting close 2 finishing my gro...just harvested 1 plant couldnt say how much but LOOKS 2 b close 2 1oz. Im growin ak47xdiesel under 400w mh.i used 20/4 their whole life and am pleased w the resulst ALTHO the buds do seem airy but that could b my noobness or the lite...prolly user error tho
  14. doobiedaze

    keep or not to keep

    From what ive seen has some pretty good deals. you can get a 400w mh/hps w a timer for under 200 shipped
  15. doobiedaze

    Can you nutrient flush Miracle Grow potting soil?

    Wait a min i mite have 2 take what i said back...listen 2 my chitown homie hes prolly rite most of the nutes prolly used by now...ill go back 2 smokin my fatty now
  16. doobiedaze

    Can you nutrient flush Miracle Grow potting soil?

    Ive read in some other post it might be really haerd if not impossible 2 do this due to the fact those nutes are contained in those lil gelcap lookin things...u could wind up overfeeding but it mite b werth a try
  17. doobiedaze

    12/12 on 21st may amber trichs appearing already (pics)

    I dont see amber trichs in those pics...most look pretty clear 2 me bro
  18. doobiedaze

    Smoking Resin

    All resin is is leftover from what youve alredy smoked.
  19. doobiedaze

    auto ak-47xdiesel...1st grow

    hey thank for the comments...thats what sum1 said in the problem forum...whats the rate 4 epsom salt..and is the mg problem the spotted 1 or the yellowing 1? and the got about 18-24in tall
  20. doobiedaze

    auto ak-47xdiesel..2/5 having issues

    Sweet and thanx for the replies. One