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  1. doobiedaze

    First Grow, black bugs and white bumps on one plant.. any help?

    how bout you post pix of said problems?!
  2. doobiedaze

    need help with some simple nutrient math

    i think you might be fine with the 30-10-10 as ive read you want a 3-2-1 for veg and 1-3-2 for bloom
  3. doobiedaze

    Tips on faster vegging?

    What biddy said...cept for the light position...keep it within 18" if you can
  4. doobiedaze

    Using Fan-heater in vent mode for intake.Consumption in vent mode.HELP PLZ.BUMP BUMP

    no i doubt the vent runs that much as the heating element is what take up the most power
  5. doobiedaze

    First grow - filter location

    id say your def losing some power with all that ducting. ive never used a tent but im sure theyre strong enough to hold a filter up
  6. doobiedaze

    how to hide a homebox xs

    so he cops are already on to you and youre still gonna grow there? sounds like a bad idea...@ least move out to a different place
  7. doobiedaze

    some perspective please...

    looks less than a 1/4 2 me
  8. doobiedaze

    Should Fan Leaves be Trimmed?

    I have trimmed bud leaves before and it seems they yielded less than whats currently growing without having touched em. The buds get their energy from those big leaves, not the tiny 1s that surround it.
  9. doobiedaze

    dyna-gro nutes anyone????

    i like dyna grow. it has all the nutrients you need minus extra calmag that mj uses. and iu only need a very little bit so itll last a long while, and cheaP! for me, its fuck those big ripoffs!
  10. doobiedaze

    Valueline Centrifugal Inlines?

    id say its probably not gonna be as good as a canfan of same cfm. i have an eco fan n just bought a can fan n can def tell the diff. security is key so dont skimp on this!
  11. doobiedaze

    New member. One question! Venting experts please help!

    dont bother with those fans from HD...theyre not made to put a carbon filter on em and prolly dont put out the listed CFMS
  12. doobiedaze

    What's with my leaves?

    mayb the start of MG deficiency?
  13. doobiedaze

    Got my first electric bill after running 1000w 20/4

    $40 to run a 1k 20/4 for a whole month? those are amazing rates man, where do u live? i dont know my bill before my 1k, fans, and other shit is added, but im almost positive almost 100 of my 135 or so is from the lights.
  14. doobiedaze

    Low pressure sodium - 200 lumens per watt

    probably wrong spectrum
  15. doobiedaze

    Can you blow through a filter?

    I also heard something about a difference in pressure between filter and blower if pushing rather than pulling which may allow smell to escape somehow...not sure tho
  16. doobiedaze

    406 Watts one outlet, power strip, timer

    nope. i think you can pull up to 80% of a circuits total load til u have tgo start worrying. i seen its somewhere like 1800w avg. i think its better explained in a sticky up top
  17. doobiedaze

    Can i take clippings from a female after shes been picked?

    from what i see the only place 2 clone urs is the top..unless u have some lower limbs that cant b seen
  18. doobiedaze

    need advice on strain

    g o o g l e
  19. doobiedaze

    Help with growing mothers for spring

    I think with that lighting they may get stretched. Dependind on strain and conditons id say they can grow maybe 2-3ft in that timeframe. I wouldn't know exact numbers of clones you can get, but I'd say more than 10 for sure.
  20. doobiedaze

    Near Harvest=Less water/nute uptake?

    thank you weedy:)