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  1. 1

    Dr. Hornby's Big Bud

    The truth come down to LAZY-NESS! If you lazy - buy the expensive nuts cause it will make shit easy. If you got time - use the cheap stuff cause it require some reading and messing with to get it right. Sensi stuff - just rip the package and throw into a 25 gal res. Simple as that! Shit cost...
  2. 1

    CFLs, LEDs, Car head lights, street lights doesn't work

    Don't be flagging me cause i'm being real.
  3. 1

    CFLs, LEDs, Car head lights, street lights doesn't work

    To all the new b ...FOBG (Fresh Of the Boat Growers) ... LED - doesn't work
  4. 1

    Question about nutrients close to harvest

    Your best bet is to transport it to DWC or it own pot. You pretty much screwed cause of the plant cycle. If both plants are flowering - I wouldn't worry to much, but it still in veg and one is flowering - then you do have a problem.
  5. 1

    Transplanting to net pots???

    Pellets does not work well with net pots. Use rockwool instead.
  6. 1

    Anyone have a cop come nocking after ordering seeds?!?!

    Don't smoke and grow. Your just paranoid from smoking.
  7. 1

    How safe is it to have seeds delivered to my house?

    The only way to really find out is to order. I got my shit in tact. What your story? Custom got you mad?
  8. 1

    Diy Ac!!!!!

    Just invest in a A.C. Cheapest one at HD for $39.99. Your fan and copper alone seem more costly than my HD A.C. It cheap. I don't know about electricity and water being partners.
  9. 1

    need help...cant decide on which HYDROPONIC SYSTEM to get

    If you can afford it - go for the most simple system. Bubbleponic.
  10. 1

    75 dollars too much for a clone??

    Well hook me up man. I'll be your friend! :hump:
  11. 1

    Need help fast!

    For the leaves curling up mean too much watering, not enough nitrogen and oxygen or lack of nutrients. You can flush whatever you have in the pot and start watering it with distill water or a ph 5.6 water. Outside can create more work than usual.
  12. 1

    My New Grow Room Built By Hubby!

    Very nice set up. Do you water it everyday or do you use some sort of dripping system?