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  1. 1

    power consumption of 600 watt is nuts

    I would kill the fan. I will only run it until the room cool down a bit and let the heat rises for a bit. Could be someone else stealing your electricity?
  2. 1

    Buds are crunchy after 4 days of drying!

    Airy buds or fluffy buds try faster than heavy dense bud. You only needed a few days out and the rest in the jar. If it too dry - nothing much you can do but smoke it as it is. Learn from this error and move on. It only take 8 weeks to grown another batch.
  3. 1

    Custom baggies? where to buy?

    No disrespect, but I smell a fucken rat!
  4. 1

    Water Pump for river water???

    Run and buy a solar water pump. The best solution for your current problem. You will have other to deal with, but for now ...Solar Water Pump. Bing it. Don't google it. lol
  5. 1

    Flushing The "Profesional" Way. Contributed by RUI stupid peeps.

    I am going to flush with Tide bleach so my root can be white as fuck. HAHAHAHAHAHA :hump: One guy said vanilla extract. The other said cool laid. hahahaha Anyone flushed any other way I can consider funny as fuck. I'm smoking that flushed Tide bleach buds at the moment - dus explain why I...
  6. 1

    Flavoring bud with vanilla extract??

    Cool laid was by far the best comment of all. Flush with cool laid. hahahahah I'm going to flush with Tide ...I like my roots bleach white! LMAO
  7. 1

    Did I hang to dry for too long?

    Many reason why it fluffy co2, cheap nuts, method of growing, strain and cheap ass CFL equal to fluffy bud. No matter how you do the math here ...add co2 minus CFL = shitty, Cheap nuts + cheap CFL lights = shitty. No matter how you want to look at it shitty! Fluffy. Weed. lol
  8. 1

    i chopped 2 grape punches last night PICS

    The way it look - it was harvested to early. Was it danky or grassy?
  9. 1

    New School Grower! ~ Smoke’s Advanced Growing Techniques

    Oh I forgot ...Make sure it "CHEAP CUTTING EDGE GROWING TECHNIQUE"! This will get you lots of hits bro and attention you seeking!
  10. 1

    New School Grower! ~ Smoke’s Advanced Growing Techniques

    Thousands of seed sound ridiculous if you ask me. If you did your homework - you would have avoided testing out bullshit seeds, strains and overall hype of the seed! My 3rd seed did it for me. Hand down! Afang Hash! If you used proper lighting - i don't care if it your car light...if it work...
  11. 1

    My Super Grow Room

    Told you - that guy was all hype and nothing to show.
  12. 1


    Cloning is a very simple process. 1. Take the cutting and making sure it the cutting and not the fan leaf. 2. Gel sucks. Homedepot Shultz powder work great and it cheap. Gel get loose, powder stick. 3. Only wet the soil, not down the soil. 4. Foil spray once or maybe twice a day depending on...
  13. 1

    Ultrasonic Fogger

    I use the fogger for clones. The heat in the res make it ideal for a fast proper root development. You can buy it cheaper at
  14. 1

    CFLs, LEDs, Car head lights, street lights doesn't work

    Guys - Thanks for the entertainment. I really enjoy everyone comments and dying of laughter. Keep up the real "bull shit"...I'm still with everyone on this one. Growing using 1 thin line of fiber optic (red or white...not sure yet). -0.0000000000001K Lumen! That bud is going to be super dank! lol
  15. 1

    Dense Buds.

    Nice Rev ...
  16. 1

    Odd Smell During Curing..?

    Best guide for curing somewhere on this forum. It call Bag appeal or something. Good methods and easy to follow.
  17. 1

    first grow room tell me what ya think

    yeah - for 3 plants.
  18. 1

    Did I f*ck up my light cycle/turn my plants herm?

    You should be alright.
  19. 1

    Doing my studying before starting

    Yeah ....just get some pots and soil for now - you should be good for that amount of space.