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  1. sinu1er

    molasses in hydro???

    well flora nectar is made for hydro and is basically the same thing it has molasses in the ingredients lol but i think its got some other stuff too that works better with hydro..but im trying to figure out if there are any other alternatives besides a 20-25 dollar bottle of fancied up...
  2. sinu1er

    molasses in hydro???

    Ok so you have to use things like flora nectar then to achieve a carbo boost in hydro?? any other options???
  3. sinu1er

    molasses in hydro???

    Whats the story with molasses and hydro i see that things like flora nectar have molasses and other things in it, but i was just wondering is there something in it that is specially formulated for hydroponics as opposed to just mixing up some blackstrap molasses in your rez? i also noticed that...
  4. sinu1er

    flowering with super thrive??

    Cool Ty ill keep using it till the flush then.
  5. sinu1er

    flowering with super thrive??

    So I've been reading a lot of things about using superthrive in flowering , mostly that it will prolong maturity and that's bad. So my question is how about for half (3-5 wks depending on strain) of the flowering cycle then cut off so they can try and mature normally? I'm sure people have...
  6. sinu1er


    huh working now..... weird i couldn't post was saying database error guess its fixed now sry to tp post unnecessary thread
  7. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    yeah i wish i coulda put them in 3-4 gal pots but space and $$ hit me in the face pretty quick lol, I have about 15-20 gal of space for 6 sites for my hydro setup so the roots should like that a lot more haha. thanks again
  8. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    sorry i wasn't clear the clones were taken about a month ago now took them as soon as i could tell sex they have good root mass and lots of new growth here is a pic of 1.
  9. sinu1er

    1st grow just woundering if my girls are on track

    Has anyone heard this about super thrive or should i still be doing like a drop a gal every watering all the way to harvest?
  10. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    TY Liebe..... So Rob i took a clone from that plant since it hermied out from stress the clone should be ok right? As long as it has better conditions for the roots of course.
  11. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    wow that makes perfect sense because i couldn't transplant into bigger pots because i just don't have the room lol but when i do hydo next it should be better roots will have a LOT more room then they do now. i think you hit the nail on the head tho Robin because my pots are definitely to...
  12. sinu1er

    6 week EXPLOSION !!!

    cool ty ty
  13. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    Ok thx for the advice i got a few other girls and no way to separate em so i think ill just get it out of there before it contaminates the sensi hopefully I'm not to late its really really small hence such bad pics.
  14. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    If this is a hermi shouldn't the sacs form at the base of the node too like when they 1st start to flower and not just on top of the bud? i checked and there's not even 1 sign of any other then the odd thing on top and that doesnt even look like a normal pollen sac its elongated...... I hope its...
  15. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    Yeah its pretty blurry i circled it on the best pic hope this helps a bit
  16. sinu1er

    clones went into flowering mode ='/

    I would just keep them they should go back to veg and pop roots still, a couple have done that to me before..
  17. sinu1er

    Is this odd new growth normal???

    Just noticed this the last couple days, sorry such blurry pics but what I'm talking about is the little white growth in the pics. is this normal with some strains??? it doesn't look like balls from it being a hermi.. thx all
  18. sinu1er

    just flowered how long to first nug

    over the next couple weeks you will start to see them form where they get the most light and hairs will start in less abundant lighting..hope that helps
  19. sinu1er

    6 week EXPLOSION !!!

    I have been reading a few things about a growth spurt around 6 weeks into flowering. i was wondering if there is truth to this or is it just a few strains, if it is so maybe some of you have some pics of before and after this "spurt" i like EXPLOSION better tho :eyesmoke: kinda like when you...
  20. sinu1er

    FIMMED and something weird

    you should be good to start flowering whenever you want then but you could hold out a few to get the new growths developed a bit