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  1. EsmeWeatherwax

    Can you veg with a light made for flowering?

    No they will not go into flower until you switch to 12/12. The light will be fine.
  2. EsmeWeatherwax


    Good luck Filla, let us know what the cause was for the warrent. I have read that you want to stay under 100 plants the Feds only seem to be going after people with over 100. Keep us updated on how it goes. Again Good Luck.
  3. EsmeWeatherwax

    does someone outthere know why?????

    Not enough N in your nutes.
  4. EsmeWeatherwax

    excess leaf

    No, leaves feed the buds.
  5. EsmeWeatherwax

    I may have to start watching this dyke more often!

    If I was in the top 3% of erners sure. The problem is the trickle down theory is BS. The idea that someoe would not want to make more because they are taxed more is BS. Greed has taken over this country and it is sad, when is it enough, you have CEO's making billions. The top tax rate is in the...
  6. EsmeWeatherwax

    I may have to start watching this dyke more often!

    Taxes have been going down for years, a lot lower for the rich though. The main problem is the tax burden it used to be 60 40 with corporations paying 60% now it is backwards and we are paying 60%. The top bracket for the rich used to be in the 90% range now it is down to the 30s. I have no...
  7. EsmeWeatherwax

    I may have to start watching this dyke more often!

    There is also a simple solution for anyone that does not want to pay taxes, LEAVE, no one is keeping you here.
  8. EsmeWeatherwax

    I may have to start watching this dyke more often!

    Yes medicare is a mess thanks to Bush, it costs the tax payer 14% more to gt the same services through a private insurer than it did when it was administered by the govt. They also made it so the US govt, the lagest buyer of Rx drugs in the world can't negotiate for better prices from big...
  9. EsmeWeatherwax

    typical libs in berkeley

    As for the education issue that started this thread, the Republican plan is to cut taxes and spend like a drunken sailor until the government can no longer function. What they want is for the government to fail and the corperations to take over, they are leading us back to a slave nation. Ship...
  10. EsmeWeatherwax

    typical libs in berkeley

    Just for the record, the govener of Cali is what, oh yeh a Republican. The housing crises was caused by Republican deregulation of the banks which allowed them to make loans to people they knew would not be able to pay them back but the banks did not care as they bundled them up and sold the...
  11. EsmeWeatherwax

    Broken Root Tips on Seedlings :(

    You should be fine, these plants are a lot tougher than you think.
  12. EsmeWeatherwax

    Light traping

    If you have sliding doors, you can take a 8" wide board and cut it the same hight of your doors and put it in next to your door. Then you can cut your vent holes in the board and still close your closet up. I used a piece of shelving from Lowes. It works in my head I hope it makes sense to you.
  13. EsmeWeatherwax

    how late is two late to clone?

    It is still ok to clone, it will take a while to go back to a veg state but you should be fine. Take your clones from the lower parts of your plants as this is the newest growth and would just end up as popcorn buds anyway so no loss.
  14. EsmeWeatherwax

    All Co2

    You should try a dehumidifier, get a 50 pint larger. It will lower your humidity and raise your temps at the same time. That way you can run your Co2 again and not have to run the exhaust as much. Also if you have air cooled lights you can install a speed controller on the blower and slow it...
  15. EsmeWeatherwax

    Just got my CO2 regulator. Help me NOT blow the house up...

    I do not think you need the bubble counter, that stops water going back in the hose when Co2 is off.
  16. EsmeWeatherwax

    Just got my CO2 regulator. Help me NOT blow the house up...

    Hello, you are correct in the first pic, that goes to the tank. Put one of the white sealing washers (thats what they are) in before screwing it on to tank. Take the nut off where the hose goes on, put the hose through the nut and on yo the fitting and reinstall the nut. When everything is...
  17. EsmeWeatherwax

    linear light mover - Advise please

    Can you take out the closet in the corner?
  18. EsmeWeatherwax

    linear light mover - Advise please

    I have 4 600s on one mover in a 20 x 10 room I have four 4x6 tables with different stages of flowering that way I can adjust each light to a different height over each table. The ends may be dark at times but the plants on the ends seem to grow as well as the ones in the middle.
  19. EsmeWeatherwax

    linear light mover - Advise please

    I think you could run 3 600's in a row on one mover and have great coverage of your 10 X 10 room. With the mover you can run your lights closer to the tops of your plants as the hot spots are moving and you will get better light penetration.