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  1. Stussy


    Cool, thanks was just an idea
  2. Stussy


    Fair enough atleast its outside the box
  3. Stussy


    Thanks, hopefully the point of this would be to introduce more CO2 to the leaves as I grow hydro. Do you know if this would increase or not?
  4. Stussy


    OMG yourself, thanks for not answering my question!
  5. Stussy


    Just a question about active carbon pellets from fish shop. If I dilute these pellets in water/mix and spray onto leaves, will this add carbon to the plants or would it just be a waste of time?
  6. Stussy

    Spidermite damage

    My plant has a bit of spidermite damage on some leaves. Does anyone know will the plant heal itself or am I stuck with white spots?
  7. Stussy

    Plant with whitish spots

    Have had a look through site but cant find anything relating to this problem, pics attached, he has whitish spots on leaves, stem seems fine. Any help or suggestions would be great.
  8. Stussy

    Male seed question

    Yeah but I'm in Australia and growing under lights
  9. Stussy

    Male seed question

    Currently have males that are seeding, so if I grow these seeds is there a 50/50 chance of females or will they be predominantly male?
  10. Stussy

    Sex change

    Ha ha cheers
  11. Stussy

    Sex change

    MMMM, I have a male plant, running under 600 HPS for 15 hrs. If I clone what are the chances of Females? If I increase to 18-20 hrs would this change sex. I know these are prob dumb Q's but dont know to keep or throw.
  12. Stussy

    Yellow leaves and other crap....

    I've had a good read around and I'm still not sure what the problem is, have a look at pics and some advice would be helpful.
  13. Stussy

    auzzies who buy @ attitude look here!

    Awesome, at last.