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  1. Stussy

    Cloning Question

    Thanks, mother died (bugga) thats why I'm having to clone a clone
  2. Stussy

    Cloning Question

    Obviously if you clone a lady you get a lady, der! Haha, my question is if I clone a clone, does it lose some THC content or will it be the same? And will it grow normally or need alot more maintenance? Sorry for what may seem like a dumbass question but I dont know, hopefully some of you...
  3. Stussy

    drying out need help with pictures

    What soil are you using? When was the last time you flushed? Are you using any nutes? What is the PH?
  4. Stussy

    Male or Female??

    Way too soon
  5. Stussy

    Male or Female? (Pics)

    Give atleast 12 days, then we can let you know
  6. Stussy

    Clone problem

    shall check that next time, they died
  7. Stussy

    Clone problem

    Thanks heaps guys
  8. Stussy

    Clone problem

    Ok thanks, shall let you know
  9. Stussy

    Clone problem

    Sorry, yes I did, both, root stimulator and clone gel.
  10. Stussy

    Clone problem

    Have cut 2 clones and the new growth is yellow. There only 2 weeks old and still being fed only water, i'm waiting for roots to show before I put them on half nutes. Ohh, I'm using rockwool cubes.
  11. Stussy

    Leaves are like this ( see pics )

    Leaves are burnt or dying or something. Running aerogarden ph 6.0 with rockwool cubes watering for 15 mins 3 times a day. Cubes are still moist by time of next watering so they're getting enough. Temps are fine, the only thing I can put it down to is nute burn, however I'm using half...
  12. Stussy

    Leaves are like this (see pics)

    Leaves are burnt or dying or something. Running aerogarden ph 6.0 with rockwool cubes watering for 15 mins 3 times a day. Cubes are still moist by time of next watering so they're getting enough. Temps are fine, the only thing I can put it down to is nute burn, however I'm using half...
  13. Stussy

    Ph buffers

    Thanks guys, sorry I wasnt clear enough, but well explained, cheers
  14. Stussy

    Ph buffers

    Wtf do ph buffers do?
  15. Stussy

    need help, can pots be placed in water?

    Perlite is always a good idea, I'd go with what KP2 said.
  16. Stussy

    Plants Turning Bright Green?

    Watch the water temp as well.
  17. Stussy

    Charts, charts and more charts..

    Thanks twisty, awesome information.
  18. Stussy

    Needing to know adequate lighting for grow room

    Thank you so much people.
  19. Stussy

    Needing to know adequate lighting for grow room

    I'm setting up a grow room for flowering 4ft wide 5ft high 2ft deep. Currently running 1 x 600w HPS for this space. I have excellent air circulation and temps are at 75F. Will this 1 HPS 600w be enough?