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  1. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

  2. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    I absolutely love how earnestly shit-liberals have embraced this kind casual McCarthyism. It's hilarious in a sad way. Maybe they should read some actual history?
  3. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    You do realize that by posting a cartoon of "Trump's bloody hands" as a way of excusing "Obama's bloody hands" that you are emphasizing the point the cartoon I posted above makes? Namely, that the killing goes on no matter who is President? How do you not get that?
  4. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    I'm not playing a game. I am asking you in what way is this political cartoon NOT accurate in it's portrayal of US military adventurism.
  5. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    Non-responsive drivel
  6. Choco8

    Mars Hydro Grow Journal: TSW2000 FastBuds Lemon Pie 2x2

    Very cool! Lemon Pie has been my main crop for the last few rounds. Great producer of long dense buds, lemony with a note of diesel. It looks like the pheno you have has wider leaves. I'll be psyched to see what comes of of luck! Here's a post I recently did on the strain...
  7. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    Your throwaway "question" that attempts to characterize an accurate political cartoon about the continuing arc of US interventionism represented as a murderer who simply changes Presidential "masks" as...."Pravda Propaganda"? You can't possibly be serious. That's not a serious question.
  8. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    No, actually. My position is that there is no proof that Russia was behind either "poisoning", because to date there is no actual EVIDENCE, only "assertions". I don't even know or care what Putin has to say about it. THOSE are the facts.
  9. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    True or False: "The United States has been involved in numerous foreign interventions throughout its history."
  10. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    Ladies and Gentlemen : Presenting the McCarthyism Revival Resistance! Mindlessly insinuating that people are "Putin followers" ( whatever the fuck that is) because you are sick of US imperialism and military adventurism and question the narrative presented by the war-machine-backing US media...
  11. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    It's a political cartoon. One that is anti-war. Biden just killed people in Syria, did he not? Did he consult congress? THIS is America:
  12. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    I think you misunderstood that post. Maybe read it again? I am saying that the WaPo is characterizing the reduced payments from Biden as generous when they are in fact NOT.
  13. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    It's a fact. One that makes Obama look bad.
  14. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    lmao. I guess that makes me a "Putin Follower", right? I love this kind of simple-minded amateur-hour McCarthyism. :clap: Again...there is no actual evidence, only "assertions" pointing to more "assertions". Hey have you heard about Biden's point man for Iran? Pretty much like the ghouls...
  15. Choco8

    Senate Radical Righties Voted Down $1.9T Covid Rescue Bill

    Meanwhile, Democrats are doing end-zone dances as they reject $15 hour. This won't end well for the citizens of the USA.
  16. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    Oh, so they DID find collusion? Yes, that along with the "Skripal Poisoning". 100% bullshit for gullible liberals who are obsessed with Putin and watch Rachel Maddow. BTW...
  17. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    The one that found no collusion ? Yes, it sure did. You actually have to prove he did that. You haven't. Simply repeating things doesn't make them factual. And there we have it : "I am the arbiter of what is truth" lmao
  18. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    lmao You posted a picture of Putin's Palace as if it makes some kind of brilliant point. You think RussiaGate is a Real Thing. Please don't give lectures about "propaganda". And you have yet to provide any proof of...anything. Just more propaganda and repetition. It's boring AF.
  19. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    You can say that all day long, and it doesn't make it true. Same for the Trump/Putin idiocy. It's all propaganda for low-info liberals, which is why MSNBC has been pumping it out for 4 years straight. Again...where is the PROOF? No...not eventually. NOW. Staying in Syria is going to be as...
  20. Choco8

    What are Biden's foreign policies?

    That Hope and Change guy is set up pretty nice too. The guy that said "He'll let it play out" while Native Americans were getting hosed down at Standing Rock with freezing water and having dogs set upon them. I'm not sure what the point of this is, but yes : "leaders of superpowers have big...