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  1. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Gotcha... Small update and seeing an improvement already. 2 days since water and put two inch on, there's also a real nice vibrancy about the canopy its... umm, really fresh looking, lovely to look at. Did a retest just there of the run off again, so two days after the PH6.5 drench and I'm...
  2. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Yes it would have been 13:25 over then its 15:07 now. Sorry was out buying wood for a fence (unrelated) :P …Lights are off and temp inside the tent is currently 25.8, its roasting again here, it’s a struggle to keep the room cool. Typically the coolest temps are when lights are off but when...
  3. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Thanks VTMi'kmaq, I'm thinking that's a sign of approval :D
  4. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    The only growing nutrients I have are those mentioned Grow, Bloom and Top-Max. As far as I understand Top-Max is a Humic and Fulvic acid. An enzyme concentrate I don’t think I have unless it’s part of this biobizz complete range but I don’t know for sure. It could be that it needs more PK...
  5. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    You've got me investigating. General consensus seems to be not to use Top-Max from the biobizz range as it leaves a metallic taste :shock: Least I've not time to cut it out/down now I suppose.
  6. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Ya 38 was not cool, literally, but no point hiding bad data. Got to be honest and record what happens. Right now (sleeping) its temp:20.2 - Hum:64. Humidity is problematic, the intake from the room is high humidity. I've a gauge inside and out and its the same humidity in and out the tent...
  7. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Thanks Semper. Last water was yesterday and it was the first time I’ve ran only water (no nutes) through the plant. New leaves are a lighter, almost clearer green that old/established leafs. Pic 2 (2263) I feel is a good representation of their colour. If you open the larger picture (directly...
  8. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Great, thanks zeddd I'll settle for that :D I've become paranoid that I'm doing something wrong or that something is going wrong every time i notice a mark. I think i might need to spend less time looking at grow problems on the net
  9. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Nobody? ...Just to add, I retested the run off again 3 hours later it was at 6.3 so I don't think Ph is a problem
  10. Slebber

    First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?

    Hey all, First thanks so much for taking the time to review and help out, it really is appreciated. First time grow for me, indoor grow, soil, just starting the 3rd week of flowering. I've been watering every 3rd and now 2nd day. Watering has went up from 4 litres every 3rd day to 5 litre...