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    1st Grow - LED Mini Cool Cab meet Jack Herer

    Do you know if this design flaw is only effecting the mini coolers type or do they affect all hydro quick set ups?
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    Possible problems early into flower HELP

    been a little while now, got a closer look at the, what i believe to be, original problem maker. anybody got an easy solution and im not sure of what they are, almost seem like tiny tiny white/cream colored spiders but i dont have anything to get a better/closer view. Solution i was told by a...
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    Possible problems early into flower HELP

    Ph was off balenced after checked with friends ph tester, was over 7.4, with some help from science (and a little vinegar) water ph is down to 6.2-6.4. As for the soil I'm not sure of the ph lvl. As for newts, nothing currently. I was using mircal grow til I switched the lighting scheduel...
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    Possible problems early into flower HELP

    So this is techinically my second grow, first with sodium bulb. I just recently (1-2 weeks ago) turned my lighting to 12/12 and water every other day 10min before lights come on. I have been noticing one plants leaves seem asthough someone is very lightly painting yellow on some of the leaves...
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Oops double post
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Ok so I need to lose the miracle grow... What I wold like to have in the future, sooner thanlater, is 3 different boxes for different stages, such as a grow box and a bud box, etc, with this first box I would like it to be a good all arond grow/bud box so I can get the feel for things and how...
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    2.5 "usable" on hand and twelve plants
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    experience wise, im more of mechanically inclined in the automotive side, but i like to build things, so i can handle something like this, tools, i can basically get/have a lot of them
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Grow will be legal, thats why im limiting size for 12 plants currently. I am in an apartment currently and would keep it behind a "lock and secure door" on this box idea, i would be staying within the legal rights of this. (under MI law, has to be behind a secure locked door, front door counts...
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Well after taking some time measuring out things, and how high this current plant is doing, would 76'' be enough grow room between floor and light? And lighting I have yet to look for, I have no idea what to get for a budget, but not nothing crappy.. I think it shines more blue strectum for...
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    what would you say for long? or would you say 4' x 8' x 4'?
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Ok i realize now it will not be too expensive to build one of these. simple questions left now... (soz prolly wrong forum now but...) height away from plant to lights? so i can figure out how tall i should make my box. Guessing 4-6ft is decent for length and thinking maybe 4' deep. If you...
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    Cheap for me (was hoping that it would include lights etc) was like 200-400, somewhrre in the ballpark of half the cost of a prebuilt one lol
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    building a grow box/cab for cheap?

    ive been watching these go for $800+ on craigslist and 1100-1900 on ebay... i obviously see they are pretty easy to build if you are willing to do the work, and of course i am, anything to save money lol. Curious if anyone could help me out with some ideas or designs to build a grow box/cab...
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    recommendations for the mean time for a smaller area, for between 1-12 plants? and would something like this be worth investing in?
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    ok, after taking a quick min to look at the bulb and quickly look it up on google, its a halogen, nothign special, but when i started i had $6 to work with lol, right now im on a $100 or so budge till the end of the month, then opitions open up a little bit
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    one i have currently i believe is a small metal halide, but could be wrong (the light i have was basically something i found that could produce uv rays and heats and wouldnt start a fire, one i may be recieving from a family member is a hps (apparently he paid like 800+ in like 97 so its a good...
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    i see that, i just got lost and then confused and didnt even know where to begin at all.. i know im making people either repete things or redirect me, i just have no idea where to begin on a site this indepth... most definitly some helpfull people here, its great :)
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    honestly, i do not have much, i simply aquired some mids with seeds, stored the seeds, half in fridge, 1/4 in freezer, and 1/4 on counter in prescip bottle, and did a few test runs without something more than just soil from outside and bought a few items, now that im certified, i want to take...
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    yea im a dumbass, wanna help me?

    Grow area is a smaller area, would estimate 3-4ft wide by 8-9ft long, reflective surfaces on all the walls, hanging lamp, (overall its a closet i completely converted, the best i could while being a newbie) I have a smaller light source currently, but may be upgrading very soon to the blue...