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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    transporting pm in soil

    Have you taken you fans apart to see what lurks within?Fans can be a source of pathogens as well
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    quantum boards or cobs for a 4x4?

    Hello! I am wondering if you can even get the quantum boards right now, I just bought a couple of the 11 GM kits from Australia. Looks like really nice kit. I intend to hang them on an aluminum railing made by Fortress the 8' by 40". Save me a tonne of...
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    help with spots on small plants

    those are water marks , they are just spillage from your watering. Just ignore them
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    Silver / white stuff on leaf

    I would cut them off and get it out of the room, what ever it is you don't want it. Hopefully that solves it. Nip it in the bud sorta speak. Once it is out of your room take some more pics of the top and the bottom of the leaves
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    Silver / white stuff on leaf

    Hard to tell are there little black dots? Does it look eaten from the inside?
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    Super cropping in early flower

    I consider my plants as still vegging till day 12 of flower and even later sometimes. It is strain dependent but the majority of the strains you are fine to pinch bend prune and cut well into flower, what ever suits your needs.
  7. Los Reefersaurus

    Need help lowering Ph in organic soil mix

    You can never wait too long to use a soil, a big problem for our ilk is rushing things. I am sure you are now aware. IF you have damaged one plant I wouldn't worry about it, run it though see what you get and reuse the dirt next run. IF you start...
  8. Los Reefersaurus

    could pot be worthless in 2 years?

    The problem with the teck though it is always better, it always seems to be costlier. A point that is interesting, is the med companies that are in BIG trouble right now because of the fungicides they are using basically there are companies that have to...
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    could pot be worthless in 2 years?

    IMHO weed doesn't scale that well, the price of good weed will fluctuate in the short term while more folks get into it , but in the long term because of the very high quality demands of the market, the price will stabilize. As the industry matures and...
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    What is wrong with this leaf help

    Just an educated guess, cool nights. Purple isn't really a problem, you should still end up with some really nice nugs. If I was you I would pay closer attention to temps both day and night at different areas around the plants. Temps of the medium and temps...
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    transporting pm in soil

    In this case I recommend stop spraying and get the RH to live below 55% .cut off all infected material. Buy another Dehumidifier if you have to. PM will spore in the soil but it wont live and thrive there.
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    transporting pm in soil

    get the air moving and the rH down, way down, both night and day . This is the big thing that will help you . Dirt shouldn't be a big issue however if I ever have a problem, I would hate to risk a relapse over 30 $ of dirt. If you cann't replace the...
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    Welcome New Members!

    Fun night with new toys to assemble, I bought a couple of the GM's COB systems from Cutter that showed up today. Assembled all 22 COB's only broke off one screw, I chalk it up as a victory. Re-tapping isn't soo bad because of all the aluminum. I plan on mounting...
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, I am new here, saw some Growmouse vids that inspired me at the DIY Led's. Thanks for that dude. I have been at it for a while now and have just transitioned from HPS to LEDs. I am enjoying the knowledge base you guys have amassed keep it up...