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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    Hanging distance for Mars Hydro 600 watt

    hummm ... I am stumped .... the only thing I can think of is that it is reading the other camera . On my samsung it reads the selfie camera. Other then that.. bad camera?? I dont know
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Hanging distance for Mars Hydro 600 watt

    Take it outside, see what you get
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    Hanging distance for Mars Hydro 600 watt

    I use LUX meter black circle with yellow letters. They are all the same really
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Pruned a hedge. Got my 730 MN LED's up and going properly. I built a fancy dancey relay/ timer arrangement that turns my 730's on for 6 minutes right when the lights go off. It also turns on my UV light 1.5 hours before the lights go off as well. I gotta...
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    Hanging distance for Mars Hydro 600 watt

    this is a rule of thumb for us normal folk who cant justify a proper light meter. Download a LUX meter on your phone. A canopy at 70,000 LUX is max for a really happy plant that is in full pig mode with CO2. I run mine between 50,000 and 60,000 and...
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    Forget mousetraps; build a better BATTERY

    Not that you can tell anything from the article, I hate how technical reporting expects a blind faith in the story. BUT sounds to me like a lithium capacitor . After all the guy is 92 it is not like he is going to travel far from what he already knows.
  7. Los Reefersaurus


    Try to run your system with out plants to see what temps you get thought the day and night cycle. Yo want the water to be 65 or at least as close to taht as possible definitely under 75 If you popped some new beans you are maybe losing a week , if you...
  8. Los Reefersaurus


    lol , the leaves are the least of your problem. Your water is too warm. Period. Those roots are too young to be brown and slimy looking.Aim for 65 degrees for water. I would say kill them off figure out how to get your water temps down, dry run it for a...
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    Defoliating? Pros and Cons

    it is fine if you don't fuck up. The argument for is fresh growth is say 80% efficient and old growth is 10-20% efficient . So if your old leaves are blocking new leaves than there is some reason. HOWEVER,,, if you you fuck up and have a lock out , over...
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    Do people usually wash their bud?

    The H2O2 bath helps with the sneaky dense bud rot. Nothing worse than a dank cola that goes to mold on the inside where you cant see
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    Have any of you used Inkbird thermostats for your cooling/heating?

    your lady bugs look like baked beans!!
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    My new Grow Lab V2.0

    what is that black stuff on your studs?
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    knowing nothing other then what you said , my goto guess is that your lights are...

    knowing nothing other then what you said , my goto guess is that your lights are too close so your plants are stressed. Spray with Mag, N, and V-B. Also back your lights off. This is just a guess I would really need more info
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    Black algae?!? Overnight!?!

    When I got it I blamed my super thrive, you probably got it from what ever V-B seaweed spray you use. That and you have a light leak
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    Should Scotland join Canada?

    "No we are good thanks" -Canada
  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Black algae?!? Overnight!?!

    I remember that stuff, the dreaded black snot, use H2O2 as directed on the label, clean everything genitally rinse the roots in a mild H2o2 solution. empty the cloner and serialize it using bleach and h2o2 rinse well fresh nutes
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    Cal mag and lactobacillus foliar spray. Bad or good?

    Sounds alright, I prefer to have my roots get the calcium, usually there is lots available in the majority of water, but adding Mag is good for sure. Thanks for mentioning lactobacillus I had to look it up and it sounds like some really handy stuff. I deduce...
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    Cant figure out this deficiency

    My vote is over fert leading to many lock outs. Check your run off ppm with straight water. If it is 2xs higher than the nutes you are putting in normally , we have found your problem. Like Bear said flush. Your roots will be cooked and need some time to...
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    Lights came on 3 hours earlier in veg the day plants were flipped to 12/12 ?

    technically it takes 3 days for your plants to adjust to a new light cycle. So there is nothing for you to be worried about. I think you can technically say you will go 12 hours longer in flower, but you will produce 12 hours more bud. But really...
  20. Los Reefersaurus

    I was about to post something , but the apathy kicked in...

    I was about to post something , but the apathy kicked in...