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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Day 27- Last night I replanted all the seedlings into 1 gallon pots,they have all responded well this morning. The roots were throughout but thinner then I would like minus the water roots that were beginning to bind around the bottom of the cups but were...
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Feminized seeds have a 60% chance of going hermie

    ya a guy don't know about that. He he may know other things but he don't know about that
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    Powder vs Liquid .. thoughts

    because it is tough to get consistency within the package, it may be weighed out and mixed perfect at the factory but over time the elements of heavier weight will settle to the bottom thus fucking up your ratios, liquid the same happens but you can...
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    it is an old school Canadian measurement.
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    they seem alright so far , they are crowded together as well so that might help a bit, but they don't seem to need it yet. When the plants are big and heavy will be the real challenge might need some more structure to support. We shall see. Yes this is...
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    any way.... TOday I got the wife working in the sweat shop making me custom gro bags. About 4 Gallons with the diameter of a 2 gallon pot, plus likes to be square. These things are awesome
  7. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Moving right along, Day 24 . My 11 Gorilla bubble babies are still int their cups for a couple more day till the stem from the ground to the false leaves bulks up. All have bulking stems above the false leaves. All plants are between 6 and 8 inches tall and...
  8. Los Reefersaurus

    Botrytis turns buds brown during drying?

    With out pics we cannt really help Im not saying it's Fusarium..... but its Fusarium Dry it hot 80 and dry 40% and quick 2-3 day
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Maybe ask him to reduce his carbon foot print ....permanently
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    Why do some have problems with people of different color

    I do have a problem with people of different colors, but I also have a problem with people of the same color, I guess I just have a problem with people. I guess that most rational people would, like have you met people? they are horrible. -Arthur Dent...
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Sprayed my plants with fish poo last night, boy they sure like fish poop .
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    when and why did people start considering their dogs human beings?

    I am allergic to nuts so no more nuts anywhere I am allergic to shell fish but I am an avid diver, we must purge the seas of crustation
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    when and why did people start considering their dogs human beings?

    I take my little dog with me into most places I go regularly. Coffee shop, Building supply, bank, pet store, parts store, ect. He makes everyone's day , all stoic miserable faces before we arrive all melt into smiles, genuine happiness, and gab, to see my pup. All...
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    Giving your plants a human virus

    Did some frightening research today , yes you can pass stuff back and forth to pot plants. Behold the horror of fusarium,
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    Help bugs..

  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Help bugs..

    that looks like a tick , banana for scale please
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    You know you are a grower when...

    When you can do a quick cost analysis of any solar power set up brought up in some random conversation at a coffee shop, using real local price, day time, night, and overage usage rates, and give a real ya or nay answer withing 30 seconds over a cup of...
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    16 days from seed, to early to top?

    Many, many factors to determine this. I just like to have a lot of happy plant before I start cutting. I compare it to my cloning philosophy, I would rather cut my clones a week late when I can get perfect material from the donor plant rather than cut...
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    16 days from seed, to early to top?

    I am in the same phase as you I plan on letting them go till they are about 10 "s tall then taking a clone and root it under 12/12 to get it to show. 10 's cut down to 6 inches or at least 5 solid looking sets of nodes.
  20. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Yum . you got me thinking of burgers now. I think I will go pick up a Jr chicken and a Mc Double at McD's , not your caliber but for 3.50 it is fucking good and just enough food Just got the call my micro clover seeds have arrived, hooray!