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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today? You're welcome , greatest led flashlight that doesn't attach to your forehead ever
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Brothers and sisters, please help me diagnose (pics)

    Over watered, or too little N are my edu-mucated guesses. Check the weight of the pot and go from there. Over watering will cause some deficiency and cause drooppy leaves. An N deficiency the leaves go yellow starting from the bottom..... also more MAg
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    "One More Run" with the CXBs 3000K-80 & 90 CRI,,,"QBs'" are next in line

    If you start the safety thread I will contribute
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    White spots on leaves

    cut it off ! get it out!! QUick many before it breeds!
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    "One More Run" with the CXBs 3000K-80 & 90 CRI,,,"QBs'" are next in line

    you got a thin cloud in your room too lol Also mad props to your eye on safety, good for you man! most of us really over look that
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Fancy ropes, now we are in my wheel house. I have a bunch of traction kite string for all sorts of mis reasons , its like 1/8 diameter and it is good to well over 500 lbs, made of dyneema. I put that shit on everything. Side note anyone else got a cloud...
  7. Los Reefersaurus

    Need Information on Cal/Mag Deficiencies When Using Led Lights

    My 2 cent, I've switched over from HPS, and it has been rough. So far had a Mag issue, then the plants drinking more then eating, causing really high run off PPM's, then a flush really hurt the roots. SO now everything is limping along. My advice is more mag...
  8. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    That is one of the shocking things about the star after the initial one or 2 smoke tolerance I never seemed to develop any more, until she started getting weak.
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    Mold Probably... Can you please give opinions

    Not to sound Hippy Dippy but use your intuition look at it smell it and if your instinct says mold then don't smoke it. It works for me somehow I can "sense" mold, I can find it even if it isn't apparent from the outside of the bud. I think it a survival...
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    I have pondering this and it is hard to really put a finger on what I want, with out just describing what I like about the star. I guess like how Otis is doing it I need to play the field a little bit. I have picked up some C4 that I will be popping...
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    I will start by trying to find a good gorilla glue any one got a lead in Vancouver or Vancouver Island for clones or reputable seeds?
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    how to hide smell

    What about a jar? has anyone mentioned a jar . Also vacuum bag ,, or a good quality cooler, or a refrigerator?
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    The single liFe seems to suit you my friend! Too bad testing out a strain takes way longer then testing out a new lady friend Just looking at all the hype so Far I am liking the GG#4 and the white cookies An old goto strain I had was White Rhyno so...
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    Oh no, the tears are welling up........ hold on..... got to .. push back the feels,,,, one sec.... ok now swallow the sadness , and we are back. Back to being a man. Well I was feeling smug again but after that story I don't know. Anyway I figured out a...
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    Do you trust mainstream media?

    Everyone is nearly always pushing their own agenda , and if they aren't then they are making up for something else. This sounds like a dark bleak statement but it really isn't. We are all here to 1st survive then 2nd procreate 3rd make life better for ours...
  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Test room: DE HPS vs. Citizen COBs

    I have had a similar issue, switching to LED's hasn't paid. Its been,,,, ruff
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    I got some old Hempstar crossed with some Blue god, seeds that I made a few years ago. I am trying to see it they will pop and give me something good. You are right about the Colloidal Silver. Last time I tried that, it worked really well for producing...
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    After 20 year I need a new strain

    I have been growing the same strain Hempstar for 20 years now. Same plant the whole time. After my most recent fuck ups my poor plant doesn't seem to have the vigor to recover. It is really getting weak. I am thinking I am going to have to let it go...
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    nitrogen toxicity??

    I would recommend ignoring that, you attempt to help will most likely hurt it more that help it. I would say it is a little nute burnt but over all in great shape. You can kill it with kindness really easily. Keep up the good work
  20. Los Reefersaurus

    Fogponic grow

    Looks like you are just the guy to find out if it picks up nutes. Mix some nutes and stick it in see whatcha get. I have a 12 burner one that I use to add humidity to my flower room. I do have a dream to try my hand at fog ponics, one day, one day