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  1. RollinJayz

    preflowers and transplanting?

    check it...
  2. RollinJayz

    preflowers and transplanting?

    ya, they have grown as tall as i can have them outside..about a ft taller and a nosey neighbor could see the top of acouple, so i cant really leave them out till the time changes. yeah i thought that..i was going to try and dig all around it deep enough to not touch any roots..well thanks i...
  3. RollinJayz

    preflowers and transplanting?

    hey all i did a search and couldnt really find a answer on what i wanted to ask? if you have plants outside that have started showing its say i first noticed them 3-4 days ago..their getting about waist high, seeing as its may i dont believe they will start budding until...
  4. RollinJayz

    showing sex

    no man i wouldnt change the lighting times..try to stick to a "sunrise and set" so they dont get stressed. and ive had acouple grow in 18/6 and they showed their sex before 12/12 but it was about 9 weeks total. had some females and a male..but in the same grow i had acouple that didnt show its...
  5. RollinJayz

    alittle insight please

    it just doesnt look like their leafs are as full as they should be.. the 4 are on 2 100w CFLS for now before i put them under the hps This is one of my buddies plant, hes doing a organic pvc grow and made a tea from cow manure.. thanks.:blsmoke:
  6. RollinJayz

    seeds done, is the bud?

    hey all i have one of my plants flowering since dec23. it looks about done but its still growing more white hairs. i pollinated acouple braches before and now they seeds are mature(brown/lightbrown with lil stripes on them). is it over done? does it take longer for the seeds to mature then...
  7. RollinJayz

    Mini Buds thread!

    those look slightly like mine. how long have they been flowering for
  8. RollinJayz

    my babies

    Hello these are my babies. i got 7 CFLs and a long florescent shop light on them. They are quiet small its my first grow and i think ive learned a good deal. Tell me what you think