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  1. G

    I Just Squeezed A Calyx.

    cool stuff dankster, i've never seen any strain like that, which strains posses the "foxtail" genes?
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    please share your tips and tricks to increase yeilds

    veg longer, hombolt county 'gravity' <--shits fire, proper environmental conditions (co2)
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    Confidential Cheese 12/12?

    damn "Never" 1000 watts and only 5, how long was veg for. and how many girls.
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    1000w HPS Vs 600, 400, 250

    easily, i wish my camera worked so i could show you the pic of the foot print. It is by far the best reflector i have used and the floor print is adjustable, so you can focus the light more if need be. I went to HTGsupply, and if ur a return customer give the sales representatives a call. They...
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    FIRST INDOOR SOIL GROW!! 400w MH seeds planted 8/19/2011

    a good tip for soil i found, was use at least 20% perlite, or sphagnum moss. Helps soil breathe and root growth. Also one of the best things you can add to your soil is to put about an inch layer of sand on top of the soil. The sand makes a barrier, keeping out algae, fungus gnats, alot of...
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    I Just Squeezed A Calyx.

    No fox tails are not male plant or hermies Fox tails are a result of over heating stress, and or light leakage during flowering which causes the plant to revert back to vegg growth. Fox tails show an inferior product, the buds should be nearly uniform not have little wisps of new bud growth on...
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    I Just Squeezed A Calyx.

    burn it, inhale it . thats the best test
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    I Just Squeezed A Calyx.

    u can have some shitty mid shwiggity shwag in your bag full of swollen calyxes but it doesn't indicate potency, rather maturity. Its the site of reproduction, pistil comes out, finds pollen(or not), then curls up returning to calyx with the pollen. I would venture to say that generally...
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    You should test your taps E.c. then that will be your base of where you want to start to build your nutrient E.C.. Most nutes I use have sufficient cal-mag. If you want an E.C of zero to start go with Distilled or RO water so you can control exactly what is going into your girls. Carbon...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    I had coco in conjunction with hydroton, using 5.5in netted baskets over a sprinkler system. The bottom half was hydroton and the top coco (as to keep the coco's particulate matter out of the pump), i used rock wool to germinate and i found that the roots took better to the coco rather than...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    as far as density of buds how do the red t5s size up to hps watt for watt?
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    Sticky icky, Help wit Hydro First time

    they look well enough, but for the 7th week I'd say they're not living up to their full potential. you need more lighting closer, and you should give soil a shot!
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    What a waste of time!

    you can always cut a limb, put it in the fridge in a bag, and when you want seeds break the ball and rub it on a ripening bud whose pistil is straight and white.
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    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    cool mini grow man, always cool to see something different. I was thinkin that maybe a little hydro system(coffee container, bubbler) would be better that the soil because of how long you've had it in the dirt, root bound.
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    John Doe Seeds....

    Try DNA genetics. I really like the L.A. confidential, it has such a unique high. Im an avid medicator but man this stuff had me wondering if I was fit to drive home.
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    Whats a potent strain thats good for SOG! I want to get minimum oz per lollipop plant

    Nirvanas strains are decent, if your looking into them try the Pure Power Plant (ppp), Ive done the papaya in Scrog before and was unimpressed with the results, i had 3 girls in a sprinkle hydro system under a 600 and yielded about 6.5zips(dry) and only vegged for 2 wks... meh. but i should have...
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    Streets Ultimate Medical Grow Journal with 20+ strains, PICS!

    Hey streets, i noticed you had some black electric tape around you reflector where the glass encasing is. Was it not holding? i have same reflector, want to make sure its not gonna fall out.
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    FIRST INDOOR SOIL GROW!! 400w MH seeds planted 8/19/2011

    Try putting them in 3 gal buckets individually, Veg for 2-3 wks. so they dont get to big (they'll double in size when flowering, easy). Move them around under the 400 to try to get an even dispersal of light
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    1000w HPS Vs 600, 400, 250

    Get the 2 600's and a Convertible M/H light for veggin. I run a single 6 through the air-cooled Big Kahuna reflector. Great foot print, easy to cool, and can keep it close to the girls. If your doing any s.o.g or s.c.r.o.g you want a larger foot print, which the 2 600's (with proper reflectors)...