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  1. G

    sick plants. dont know whats wrong.

    how often are you watering? are the leaves crispy or droopy and limp
  2. G

    help with yellow leavplzes

    how often do u water. looks like potential over-watering
  3. G

    Recommend the best seed strain...

    super lemon haze
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    Carbon Filter Question

    Fan should be pulling air through the filter, not pushing.
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    Club 600

    ^truth .....
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    White Rhino FEM (nirvana) 1st Grow 1 Frebie

    lookin good man, when u gonna switch to the 12 12
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    Will This Work.... need information from people who know

    150 germed seeds. and whats light are u working with.
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    To flush or not to flush that is the question?y YES FLUSH NO FLUSH SIMPLE ??

    no flush, just cut back on the nutes for the last 5-7 days before the 48hr dark
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    tha funk man, tha funk
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    Question for Finshaggy and Urca

    eazy e's a bad mufuckah
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    I'm still here to Help!

    What led to your house being raided, maybe you could supply us with your experiences with the law and what not to do. What city, state
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    General Organics in DWC

    I've just implemented General Organics into a DWC I recently built using 6in air stones. I ran GO (grow) vs An (micro), The General organics line produced a 2-4 inch layer of foam (the consistency of shaving creme) and also fell out of solution readily, causing slower up take of water by the...
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    VDAY gift....need help ladies...guys input also welcome

    a penis enlargment, the kind where u use a bike pump. She'll love pumpin you up
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    Which grow system is best and why?

    ebb and flow is simple and effective
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    Trimming ?

    trim the low shit that isn't getting light, u want to focus the plants energy on the tops that are. trim so u dont get that fluffer nuggs at the bottom
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    Super Lemon Haze - CFL - Closet
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    Time for a carbon filter?

    Run it all day
  18. G

    Help!!! Is this normal?

    i run my bubs from nirvana for at least 10 weeks, fck the flushing, just cure properly.
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    Finger Hash

    olive oil works like a charm. but just rub ur fingers together and collect the finger hash