Search results

  1. FireBud325

    Lets see your WONDER WOMAN Bud Pics!!!

    Ok fellow wonder woman growers, lets see your pictures of your harvest, dried buds or the wonder woman plant its self. also include... -lights used -method of growing -yeild amount -anything else you would like to share! I'll get my pics up soon but in the mean time lets see those...
  2. FireBud325

    Wonder Woman LST

    thanks maxwell, i wasnt sure how close but thats what i have my lights at too.
  3. FireBud325

    Wonder Woman LST

    yeah same here. i dont have a grow jurnal yet... i never thought about doing one but ill probably do one with my next grow. im gonna order some ice seeds and still have WW growin too. im also tryin to find a website that has sour diesel haze with a good price (all time favorite bud lol). quick...
  4. FireBud325

    Wonder Woman LST

    Nice looking wonder woman plants! im on day 32 with my WW. Its under two 150w hps lights and in a 5 gal. dwc. I vegged for a month(it was about 14inches tall) and now its about 2 1/2 feet now and i have it tied down. lol i just realized that it smelles like fruitloops too! keep the pics...