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  1. B

    Stupid Newbie Question, Vegging Stage Lighting?

    It depends on how much your power costs. Running the 600w for 18 hrs a day to veg would cost about $65 a month at 12 cents a kilowatt hour. (that's how much mine costs) That's not a huge power bill. You'll be straight.
  2. B

    Six plants, One basement

    Funny enough, this dude is doing basically exactly what you're asking. Watch this video. It's not the best I've seen, but there's some good info in there for getting a hydro setup and building a grow room. Watch it, learn it, love it.
  3. B

    Stupid Newbie Question, Vegging Stage Lighting?

    You can veg very quickly if you use that 600. Although it'd be cheaper to set up a different light for veg. You could use multiple CFLs or you could just do like me and run a couple shop lights or even T-5.
  4. B

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    I think the OP was talking about indoor grows. I'm growing outside too and I maybe spent $50 on everything. My indoor costs a good bit more. About $90 just for the power.
  5. B

    would my idea work for worlds smallest weed plant experiment?

    I've seen the shot glass grows. That shit is ridiculous. I think a much better goal would be to grow the world's LARGEST weed plant. Wouldn't it suck to get busted for a plant that netted you a half gram?
  6. B

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    280 bucks is a helluva lot more than 20. Anybody who knows something about growing could make that happen. I'm not knocking you, your plants look great. I'm just saying $280 is decent to start off with.
  7. B

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    So you advocate doing something illegal just for the "fun" of it. I agree that you should save your cash before you go into a grow half assed. Just like I see people asking about how much they'll yield from a seed they just put in the ground yesterday. They obviously didn't plan didn't plan...
  8. B

    Buying a Scale what one should I get?

    Any good scale I've bought (around $35-$50) came with a 100 gram weight to calibrate the scale.
  9. B

    first grow white rhino week 8

    yeah, man. Looks good.
  10. B

    Well what do you think?

    You might be able to pull a harvest from clones, not from seeds. If you mean bring them indoors at night and back out during the day, I've done this before and it's a pain in the ass. After two or three weeks it really starts wearing on you. You might as well think about getting an indoor...
  11. B

    NEED ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO!!! plants flowering!!

    Yes, they are rootbound. You can cut the bottoms out and put in another bucket if you want, but at this stage, the roots aren't going to utilize much of that soil. I'd just leave them be. If you keep them watered, correctly fed, and have plenty of sun, you will have thick, dense nuggets...
  12. B

    4 Things Every Newb Should Know!

    That's for damn sure. You can't grow serious dank unless you drop a little bit of cash into it. My first grow I tried to plant in native soil and use the sun. It was good, but I needed many soil amendments. The next grow I spent some cash on amendments, and I took stellar care of them. I...
  13. B

    Goddamn airplanes!

    Only problem with that is weed is still illegal. Even for us "legal" growers. If they want to be a dick, they can do whatever they want.
  14. B

    Doing good?

    Doing good. Just don't over baby them. Good luck!!
  15. B

    Any advice for soon to be apartment growers?

    It seems like you're determined to do it. If I lived in an apartment I would do it, but your situation sucks. You've got not one but TWO roommates who will be in on this grow. I'm predicting some bad shit going down with that. These dudes could be your best friend and swear up and down they...
  16. B

    Doing good?

    Looking good, but kinda slow. Water when it's dry, not three times a week. It might be three times a week, but not always.
  17. B

    Light problem for indoor marijuana growing

    Not trying to be a dick, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you saying can you fit 200 plants under 4 1000 watt lights? If you do SOG, then absolutely.
  18. B

    1st time grower

    I'm not sure what that light looks like, but it sounds like 2 plants will do ya. Depending on how big the closet is, a growbox might be better. You can have it fit to the light so nothing gets lost. Every last bit of light will be reflected onto the plants in a small, custom size space.
  19. B

    more drama for the massholes

    This goes back to "DON'T TELL ANYBODY YOU GROW." It's hard to spot a couple plants here and there regardless of the color. It's plots of several plants together, or huge 8 ft trees that get you busted. If you're smart you can avoid all of this. FLIR is the absolute last thing I'm worried...
  20. B

    germination in water question

    I would plant before they come out of the seed. It's all good either way. I don't like when they have long taproots when I transplant.