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  1. B

    First time Outdoor! Pics!

    If you've got more plants hiding out you might hit that lb, but from those in the photo no. Who cares what you get... smoke that shit.
  2. B

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    My bad on the huge photo piece. I'm still getting my bearings on this site.
  3. B

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    Everybody is looking real good this year. Good job ladies and gents!!
  4. B

    Too late?

    If it were me I wouldn't put it outside. Grow her indoors and get ready for Outdoor 2011. Sorry, Bro. Just my opinion.
  5. B

    Hunting in the Brush

    Just what you've seen from other grows doesn't mean anything. Although I agree with you on the 3 more weeks.
  6. B

    im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!

    Even if a plant is rootbound, that doesn't mean it's going to shrivel up and die.
  7. B

    im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!

    That's a good attitude. Go with bigger holes and better soil next year, you'll pull a lb per. Later, bro.
  8. B

    im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!

    WTF??? I highly doubt they died because of them being rootbound. My plants are rootbound all to hell and they look great. It was probably the out of control pH. Just to let you know, Fox Farms is massively overrated.
  9. B

    Where to get canning jars for cheap?

    At my local wal-mart they have 2 gallon jars. They are huge. But they cost like 10 a piece. I picked up a 12 pack of wide mouth Ball quart jars for 10.
  10. B

    Hunting in the Brush

    10 more days. There's no way to tell, bro. You need a magnifier to check the trichomes. If not....10 more days.
  11. B

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    That will do it. I'm using similar numbers, but I've got plenty of extras. I'm also using liquid kelp.
  12. B


    Thanks, sir. I'm having fun with my hobby. Regardless of what I end up with, it's all going to my head anyway. :)
  13. B


    That would be low, but satisfactory. Your Avatar is kinda creeping me out. Thanks!
  14. B


    I see now. The 8 oz had a question mark. My bad, bro. Those three will do better than 4 zips together. If they don't I'm getting out of the growing game. Thanks again.
  15. B


    I know that, brotha. I just didn't get the 16 oz to 8 oz conversion. Thanks for checking out the thread!! Happy Growing!!
  16. B


    Thanks ladies and gents. It's been fun. If I remember I'll post dry weight once they finish.
  17. B


    That's a good one!!
  18. B


    16 oz wet 8 oz dry? How does that work?
  19. B


    Fuck that. That thing has helped me pull much more than 2 lbs over the years. Plus, I could probably only get 1000 for it. I'm not about to buy dirt weed.
  20. B


    The buds are already getting outrageous on these plants. I'm thinking 8 oz is a little low. Happy Growing!!