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  1. B

    Went On Vacation, Didn't water for 5 days

    at least they're still alive. Can you imagine how much fun that vaca would have been if all your girls were dead after months of work? Fuck that. That's why I can't take a damn vacation. Once the outdoor is done, I'm leaving for a week.
  2. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    Yeah, and then he came back as a new member called "Bandmember" But it looks like he got banned again. All his new posts are deleted. He had the same avatar. What an idiot. I agree with you. This site should be all about learning and increasing the collective wisdom. Threads like this...
  3. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    hey, can you post those early flower pics one last time fruity... or bandmember, whoever.
  4. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I'd be willing to bet that he ripped it from somebody else's grow. They probably said they'd be harvesting soon and that's the pic he was going to use for the "harvest pics." Basically he proved himself to be a complete clown show.
  5. B

    Went On Vacation, Didn't water for 5 days

    I can't leave my girls for 5 days without water I'd they'd for sure be dead. Might need to set something up if you do that again.
  6. B

    Went On Vacation, Didn't water for 5 days

    I don't let them droop, but they get close to it every time. I just water when the top couple of inches is dry.
  7. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    Funny stuff. Fruity got banned, but here he is again....with the one and only picture he's got. Lol. If you want to come back to these forums, at least pretend to be somebody else.
  8. B

    Went On Vacation, Didn't water for 5 days

    Me too. They will be fine. This happened a couple times last year and I didn't notice any slowed growth. My plants were looking a little wilty today and I watered them yesterday. Damn girls always wanting some attention.
  9. B

    in the freezer lol

    lol. that's exactly what I was going to say, but you already did. it's all good bro. You live and learn. Although you should have used a little common sense on that one.
  10. B

    P kush and sativa updated Pics....

    I think 1 hefty zip per would be average for those girls. Not too bushy. Nothing wrong with a solid zip per though. Looks fire, sir.
  11. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I think if fruity wants to stick around on RIU he better make a new screen name. He kind of fucked himself with this thread. Lol. Here's a tip for you fruity. Don't go onto a weed forum and tell everybody they're fucking idiots because they grow thick, healthy buds. It's not going to do...
  12. B

    how do i do this???

    He trims everything off of the bottom 1/3 of the plant once in week 2 and once in week 3. The plants do the rest. I've read that entire thread and it's very informative the whole way through. Don't be a lazy stoner. Read it, learn it, love it. You won't be sorry.
  13. B

    Micro Nutes?

    Yeah, I've used Fox Farms and I don't know what the fuss is about. You can get the same results with any nutes if you know what you're doing. I can't remember exactly what's in Tiger Bloom since it's been a bit since I've used it. Only micro nutrients I add is some Epsom Salt and powdered egg...
  14. B

    how do you transplant out of a party cup?

    Wait until it dries up pretty good, flip the cup upside down and give the sides a gentle squeeze. The whole rootball will come out intact. Don't pull the plant out by the stem. Good luck.
  15. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    He allegedly has five harvests under his belt, but only 1 pic and it's the one in his avatar. He keeps saying he'll have pics in 1 to 3 days. I'm thinking he just wants to string everybody along for another 1 to 3 days. This thread has been pretty funny to see this dude failing at his attempt...
  16. B

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    Looking good firelane. Once again, everybody's done a great job this year. This has been a great thread. Everybody throwing up their girls with no bickering in between. Thanks ladies and gents!!
  17. B

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    You're looking like about mid october.
  18. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    Are you a punk ass chump offline as well?
  19. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    It doesn't matter how much science you throw at this fool. It won't make a difference in his mind. It was a valiant effort though.