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  1. B


    Not as big as I thought. I'd still say 6 zips though easy. She looks thirsty in the last pic.
  2. B

    germination in water question

    Yeah, I leave them in water until they crack, then move them directly into whatever I'm growing in.
  3. B

    germination in water question

    Still good. That's what you want.
  4. B

    more drama for the massholes

    I don't have a lot of experience, but I understand from the general consensus that they can't use FLIR unless they have a warrant. They won't just fly around bouncing FLIR all over the state.
  5. B

    Goddamn airplanes!

    Good luck with that, bro. It's more common for them to use helicopters though. Be more worried about that.
  6. B


    It's kind of hard to tell how large she is from the pic. You should put something next to her for size reference. I'd say in the hood of 6-8 zips. She looks great.
  7. B

    NOOOOO........ Damn wind!!!!!

    That plant is gonna be 8 oz? I hope you get it, but that seems like a lot from her. My plants look about the same size so I hope you're right. :)
  8. B

    1 plant: yield estimate? rabbit problem? pics included

    Yeah, that plant is pretty small. I would say if things go right your could end up with a half oz dry. You need a fert with more phosphorus and potassium then nitrogen. If I had a rabbit problem, I'd solve it with a .22. Good luck on the grow, Bro.
  9. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    The way you're describing it makes no sense. I've never smoked good nugget that turned nasty black and clogged my bowl up. Also, my grinder doesn't have "goo" in the corners. I've been growing and smoking dank for years and I've never seen some of the stuff you claim to be fact. If you want...
  10. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I see what you're saying, but I tend to disagree. I don't know who is going to grow for 10 years and not change a single thing. That's pretty unambitious. I don't care if I've got the wildest nug on the planet, I'm looking for ways to make it better every harvest.
  11. B

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I've never been kicking it, busted out a big fat sack of dense, sick nugget, and some asshole was like "Fuck that shit. Where's the fluffy, lightweight bud at?" Also, I don't see how you "lose" trichomes in your grinder. Do you grind up bud and the shit just disappears? Once you break in...
  12. B

    question about last 2 weeks before harvest??

    Some peeps use organic nutes all the way up to harvest. I would recommend the 1 week of H20 only.
  13. B

    my situation

    A lot of weight comes on in the last two weeks of the plant's growth cycle. You should have had her on a nute regimen. That's more than likely why your buds were lackluster. Now you know for next time. Good luck!!
  14. B

    Delighted to be a new grower

    Mold on buds is easily recognizable. The bud will turn brown or grey in the area effected by the mold. If left alone, it will consume the whole bud and eventually turn it into dust. If you experience mold on your bud, cut off the section that is exhibiting problems immediately. Happy Growing!!
  15. B


    I don't see any pics. I use the peat pellets and I transplant after the roots start showing.
  16. B

    Early Sex detection

    Too early. Can you adjust the focus on your camera?
  17. B


    Thanks, Bro. That would be nice. I've got more plants then that, but they're smaller. I cut some clones and just threw them out there. Peace.
  18. B


    I would already have them in the ground. My season is too short so I'm leaving them in buckets so they can come in overnight once the frost hits.
  19. B


    Dadio has the greenest thumb around. I'd say I'd be lucky to even get 10 oz dry. I'm hoping for 6, shooting for 8. Thanks for the input fellas.
  20. B


    Very nice. I'm on week 2.