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  1. TreesAsMedicine

    My plants are too tall

    I am saying if I were you, use your lower branches for clones. Clone, or cut everything south of the canopy. You are fine with your vegging time, but i think its time to put them in 12/12. You will probably get a better yield because you vegged for so long, however, look into FIM and...
  2. TreesAsMedicine


    As long as it is not near females, your good. It can still pollenate if you have other females. The seeds you get off of it, if it is a true hermie, will be all female seeds.
  3. TreesAsMedicine

    1 week into flowering, to early to see the sex?

    I agree with sourd. pot anyway LOL
  4. TreesAsMedicine

    1 week into flowering, to early to see the sex?

    I can't see from the pics either. I do recommend larger pots (5 gal) for those babies to take off. They need the roots. Looking good so far. Good luck!
  5. TreesAsMedicine

    xTOXICxLOLLIPOPx first grow...

    How is that rhino buzz???
  6. TreesAsMedicine

    Female/male? When do I know?

    On the FAQ part of this site, they claim there is a way. Im too fucked up to look for it, but I know I have read it. Preflowers are correct, thats what you are looking for. I personally have never done the bag method, but I heard it works good. Just grow em till flowering, and burn the...
  7. TreesAsMedicine

    when should I start Vegging?

    Anytime bro, best of luck.
  8. TreesAsMedicine

    Veteran VA Marijuana Prescriptions???Plz Help!

    Thanks but no worries, I can go elsewhere to another doc. My docs are cool with me, and will point me in the right direction. Thanks though!
  9. TreesAsMedicine

    Clones yellowing seem to have a bit of light damage

    I would run them 20/4 before you go to a 12/12. Those babies need time to sleep too! :) They are looking great, but I would use a 5 gallon pot and still use a veg time for a while. When you veg, you also are promoting root growth, hince the need for the larger pot. Its your call, what you...
  10. TreesAsMedicine

    when should I start Vegging?

    If you got clones, and they are rooting well, set them on 20/4 for 4 weeks, or whatever you decide for your grow. Usually it takes on avarage for clones to take root 2 to 3 weeks, plus or minus depending on when they were cut, and what cycle the mother was in etc.
  11. TreesAsMedicine

    Female/male? When do I know?

    Usually after the first week of flowering, assuming a 4 week veg. There are great pics online if you search here, or even google. There is a way to use a microscope, but I don't go all that high tech. Just remember to get the males/hermes out if you got any sacs form between the stalk and...
  12. TreesAsMedicine

    How Much Longer Should I Veg?

    Oh, and for CO2, i use sugar, live yeast, and water. Its a cheap and effective method. Whenever you open up your room, just give the bottle a shake before you close up. Just make sure its above your plants, co2 is heavier than air, so it falls.
  13. TreesAsMedicine

    How Much Longer Should I Veg?

    I can give you my reccomendations. 5 gallon pots. When do you get your HPS, and what lighting/times are you using now? Read up on FIM method pruning, and supercropping. After reading that, do it and veg for another week or two. Remember, you are trying to get as much root growth as possible...
  14. TreesAsMedicine

    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    I got knowledge that it is scheduled for June 12, 2010 to be read and voted on in both the house and senate. Govenor has already endorsed it, and the NC Democratic, and Libertarian parties feel confident it will bass and be signed. Check the bill out, it looks awesome.
  15. TreesAsMedicine

    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    Hit up this group on facebook for more info on NC HB 1380, and updates on the progression of the bill. Its looking green for the future of NC in 2010! Be sure to reference
  16. TreesAsMedicine

    Does anyone know any tips for producing around 350/400 grams per plant?

    I have only personally seen outdoor yield that much. I am sure someone will hit you up with all kinds of indoor secrets such as FIM or other pruning techniques, which work wonders indoors. I would say if you can get an oz per indoor plant, your doing well, and certian fert/pruning/grow methods...
  17. TreesAsMedicine

    bud has tiny white things on it..fungus?

    Umm, where are all your fan leaves? I would assume its time to dry that shit out. With no photosythesis coming in, i honestly doubt they are going to get better. Anyone else got an idea?
  18. TreesAsMedicine

    To Trim or Not to Trim?

    I personally was always taught to discard all about halfway down and burn it. Use what you can for clones, but the arguement made to me was that even though they do recieve some light, they take energy from the plant that could be going up north to the bud sights. If I had outdoor, I would...
  19. TreesAsMedicine


    Its the government. I am almost positive that DOD policies made it real clear after this. Hopefully these guys don't get hung out to dry.
  20. TreesAsMedicine

    Veteran VA Marijuana Prescriptions???Plz Help!

    Gotcha. Makes sense. Thanks, looking forward to getting mine here as soon as its legal:)