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  1. TreesAsMedicine

    Is it just where I live, or am I getting too old....

    Good point. I am social, I guess I need to change up where I go a bit.
  2. TreesAsMedicine

    Is it just where I live, or am I getting too old....

    I love to smoke and just chill with a lady, massage, extacy type shit. Intimacy when high is amazing to me. I am about to turn 30 and I date women around my age, most are disgusted with the fact that I get high, a lot. I remember in my early 20's everyone smoked dope, and it was like that...
  3. TreesAsMedicine

    Is this plant ready for chop? +reps

    You can get a handheld lighted scope from radioshack (60x100) fro only 10 bucks. It works well for checking the tricromes.
  4. TreesAsMedicine

    Are more people growing than ever?

    I think it is great. I think the medicinal attention it is getting is making people being more informative on the benifits of marijuana, therefore forming there opinion with an educated open mind, and they agree. The rest are just haters.
  5. TreesAsMedicine

    Just did my first clone. PICS. Help me out please!

    I agree with DD. Just be patient, and insure your basis are covered ie temp, h2o, timing, lighting etc.
  6. TreesAsMedicine

    Very slow growth

    Yeah, need more info. CLones can be tricky, but yield good shit, plus you know the strain and sex. I would say they are in shock a bit. What light and times are you using?
  7. TreesAsMedicine

    Good Set up???? (UPDATE & PICTURES)

    Looks light your lights are burning the plant. The foil is not as good as mylar, or that shiny stuff thats on the back of car windsheid visors (that silver shit) 27 watts that close does emit some heat, so watch your distance. make sure you got a timer going at around 20/4 (20 on 4 off) for...
  8. TreesAsMedicine

    Just did my first clone. PICS. Help me out please!

    Honestly, it looks good. I am new to the cloning process as well. You did pull them before you started flowering, and kept your light time the same, right?
  9. TreesAsMedicine

    Yellow/brown leaves with pics

    The microscope method may be best to use here to determine where your trichromes are in the flowering process. You can get a handheld lighted 60x100 scope at radioshack for ten bucks, The people who work there will have no idea what your talking about, but its in there somewhere.
  10. TreesAsMedicine

    OMG is this another male?? WTF

    If it was my plant, it would be gone. No risk in screwing up good females!
  11. TreesAsMedicine

    First AG Grow Week 3 VEG Status

    Looks good. Try to at least make it through flowering on your first grow, learn, be happy with what you got and do it again!!! Might want to keep the floros as close as possible. 1 inch if they are not too hot.
  12. TreesAsMedicine

    buds hangin, pics.

    Looks like my first grow! Be happy you got something, learn from it, and better yourself...share the info!!! I do think it was a little early. Grown with floros?
  13. TreesAsMedicine

    I just switched to 12/12 with my nirvana AK-48. I got 4 females about 2 feet tall with about 7...

    I just switched to 12/12 with my nirvana AK-48. I got 4 females about 2 feet tall with about 7 flowering buds per plant. The AK was very responsive in a positive way to "supercropping" and "pinching" pruning techniques. I am using a new lighting technique of MH bulbs, mixed with LEDs. I am...
  14. TreesAsMedicine

    half looks done half doesnt

    Prune the top leaves in a spiral stairway fashion. It will open your canapy for the buds down below. Cutting the good ones and leaving the others will work. Stronger lights could also help. These methods have worked for me.
  15. TreesAsMedicine

    1st grow, can you tell expected yield?

    It gets addictive, I am on my second grow at the moment. I actually got a yield on my first grow, which so I was told is a great thing to accomplish on your first grow. With the CFL's they wont reach their full potential, and some of these old timers will hate on you, but if it works for you...
  16. TreesAsMedicine


    Yeah, but I crunched the numbers, nothing is better than sunlight, next is HPS for sure. I am putting the LEDs very closely behind the HPS, but definatly not for a room...yet. Works great in the closet though!
  17. TreesAsMedicine


    CHeck into LEDs. A lot of people are hating on them, but the work wonders for me. I guess it depends on where, and what you grow. I was going to get a 250 HPS for my four plants (AK-48), but the price was the same, and the claims are great that it works. I have no complaints. I vegged with...
  18. TreesAsMedicine

    Miracle Grow

    Go organic or just plain potting soil, and get that fish/soil fert they sale there. Unbeleivable.