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  1. C

    Top industrious seeds

    kewl i will have to get on this... hmm, what do you think about arjan haze #1 and barney farm g13 haze?
  2. C

    Top industrious seeds

    thx boneman! I am creating optimal conditions for the grow, i will check ou the two u mentioned
  3. C

    Top industrious seeds

    I want a plant that will produce massive amounts of bud balanced with the highest quality. What do you guys recommend?
  4. C

    Sativa vs Indica Seedlings

    it was prior now I have 6 40w flourescents and some mozart.
  5. C


    Well, since i dont know the finer points of mary jane is I guess I will have to go out there and gauge supply and demand then make a determination. Its all too hypothetical. I was just hoping that if there was a certain street price set for an 1/8 you could then determine the avarage profit...
  6. C


    Ah, I see, so if the grower knows he is selling exotic weed that will be sold for $70 an eighth is that what he bases his price on? Does the market have an influence in his decision or is it just 300oz take it or leave it because its going to be sold for 70 an 1/8?
  7. C


    aw i missed it :(
  8. C

    Structuring/Money Laundering?

    I have heard of that being done over here as well, they also run a gambling hall in it as well. Wow, these pawn shop guys just dont give a fuck do they?
  9. C

    Smokeable Bud After Dry Kief Separation?

    why would u want to (unless u are going to sell it to highschool kids or something)
  10. C


    Hypothetically Speaking, If an 1/8 costs $70, how much would the following (including the appropriate discounts for buying in bulk): 1 oz 1 qp 1 hp 1 lb Essentially Im trying to calculate the appropriate profit margins between each level of distribution
  11. C

    Sativa vs Indica Seedlings

    oh crap man that sucks because 2 of my seedlings just BURST out of the jiffy pot and are now like 2000 mega feet taller than the rest fuck! i hope that doesnt effect my nugs
  12. C

    Structuring/Money Laundering?

    OK, they have methods of detection to combat what you are speaking of. Thanks to the Patriot Act, the banks know have the obligation to KYC (Know your customer). This entails them monitoring deposits into accounts with special software designed to detect money laundering efforts. If they see...
  13. C

    Sativa vs Indica Seedlings

    i am but some of mah babies are like a million billion feet tall and liek some are just short and then some have brown leaves it makes me a sad panda :(
  14. C

    Sativa vs Indica Seedlings

    Do pure sativa seedlings get especially taller than hybrid seedlings?
  15. C

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    dood i would so do that if i were u, fuck it put a carbon filtar in that beyotch and connect it directly to a duct then ur air is free and bitches will come to ur house to suck ur dick liek everyday
  16. C

    HIGH IQ society

    I read about this guy and he gets my official, "cool as fuck" seal of approval.
  17. C

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    Yes because the rest were put here by the devil in order to test our faith from the real jesus. Just like dinosaur bones. All lies made up by the devil and the liberal media in order to test our faith.
  18. C

    Shit, accidentally broke off a piece of root

    Thanks man, i think i will leave them alone now
  19. C

    Shit, accidentally broke off a piece of root

    I think your right, its my first grow and i might just be overreacting to the negative press about the jiffy pots. I just dont want them to become rootbound or anything crazy like that. Also, when the initial two leaves come out what level of humidity do i need to maintain? Currently: I am...
  20. C

    Shit, accidentally broke off a piece of root

    So I went with a friends advice and used jiffy greenhouse for my seeds. Well, they just started sprouting and I was reading about them (because I just planted the jiffy peat in soil so it can start growing) and everyone said that the netting makes it rootbound. I then proceeded to rip off the...