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  1. F

    will smoking weed before sentencing do me in?

    Get clean, even if you cheat. Getting off probation should be your number one goal. By being on probation you are waving some of your constitutional rights such as your search and seizure rights, amongst a few others. I look at being on probation as a very very slippery slope to jail. Nothing...
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    impress me for free glass

    Brush creek is a tributary of the kern, so its fed by snow and is damn cold. I had on a 5mm wet suit with a dry top so I was fairly comfortable. A couple of friends hiked in and filmed what they could. Only about half the run was filmed due to the steepness of the canyon walls on the top half...
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    impress me for free glass

    I am a white water raft guide and do a little boating on the side. This is a video of a first decent on brush creek. I am in the dark gray boat. PS- A few months ago I picked a nortel minor and some tools and a caldera paragon kiln. Have not had any...
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    If I had to go lambo, it would be this. A car I could actually own If things go as planned, wife is even on board. new GTR is pretty cool. Cars are jus great in general.
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    Colbert Study: Conservatives Don't Know He's Joking

    Nope, heard about it a while. Have a hunting friend, who was skeptical. Makes me question if I will hunt with him anymore. whats fonzi?
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    Left = Misery

    There is a core group of republican extremist here at RIU that are bat shit crazy. I am really at a loss for word. I gave honest answers to your question and even held back on being an asshole. As vitriol goes, beck called obama a racist. Whats it like to be scared of muslims? Its like the...
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    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    I have studied islam and have several friend that are muslim and both seem to contradict what you are saying. You are making a bold generalization about all muslims. I am astounded by your intolerance. What would you suggest, religious cleansing? You do realize that the minute you are willing...
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    Left = Misery

    peace out yo
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    Left = Misery

    You're a fine one to be throwing out accusations concerning hate, Vi(diot). Roughly 90% of your posts are nothing but hate. Elaborate on all these failed marxist society. And wouldnt you agree with me that socioeconomic gap is widening and that the majority of wealth in our country is going to...
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    I am sick of people asking for sources

    This is a dumb thread. you can find news that has little or no bias, just find sources that dont have a vested interest in the topic in some round about way. Another amazing concept is getting your news from several different opposing sources. no matter your party affiliation, if you fail to...
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    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    whos the barbarian? given the context, you calling them barbarians is a bit hypocritical. Explain to me how raping of children came into this?
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    Palin: Canada needs to dismantle their healthcare system

    Is the public option health care debate about health care? or is it really about maintaining the current fiscal policy that allows medical and insurance companies to make money hand over fist?
  13. F

    Obama Muslim?

    No, those were the ancestors of Native Americans. Our country was founded by bunch of guys that came from europe on boats. What you were getting at is how America was stolen from the native Americans(indians).
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    Obama Muslim?

    our country was founded by people fleeing religious oppression, amongst other things. I am so high. cant gather thoughts. just be cool to everyone.
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    The "are all Christians KKK members?" was sarcasm. Kinda like asking "do all Muslims belong to extremist factions?"
  16. F

    Left = Misery

    I know that not a person here is going to, but look at the thread "arguing with leftist". In this thread rick is upset about always losing arguments due to the fact that his opposition asks him to actually support his conclusions with more than just vague statements like, "look all over this...
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    What type of dumb fuck would make generalizations about a whole group based on the actions of a small demographic of that group? Are all Christians KKK members?
  18. F

    Left = Misery

    Informal logic is a soft science that is not accepted unanimously as real logic, and instead as theoretical.... This might be because it is complete crap. As to the straw man fallacy applying to formal logic?? you may need to check on that again. I am also not a liberal, more of a moderate. I...
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    Left = Misery

    Rick, we have already established your argumentative skills are sub-par and that your logically retarded. Please stop posting complete crap and go back to smoking and growing weed. here is an excerpt from Arguing with leftist Originally Posted by RickWhite Yes, a straw man is...
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    Would You Like To Live Forever???

    Only under the condition that its like highlander and all of us here travel the world trying to decapitate each other. That sounds good.