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  1. F

    Best movies to watch while high

    The Dude abides. Take the lebowski challenge: Keep up with the Dude caucasian for caucasian and joint for joint. If you can do this with out subsequently barfing, you are better man than I. Whats Fonzi?bongsmilie
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    BBB...bowls before bed

    a little thin lizzy. wont let me post the video, someone else should.
  3. F

    Significant Other and Weed

    I am on the other end of the spectrum. My wife is a bag pinch'n lighter stealin machine.
  4. F

    So ripped and almost died of laughter

    You gotta be an idiot to start a fight with a big old guy that has a shirt that says "Im a motherfucker".
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    Hawaii Growers

    Sorry to bust in on your guys's thread, But hoping you guys can help. Going to the big isalnd agian this year for two weeks. last time we were there, I had no problems getting hooked up, but I want better smoke. I am basically looking to be pointed in the right direction to get some of that...
  6. F

    Neigbours are harassing me

    Back in my binge drinking days, I would vomit in a ziploc baggy and then lay it flat in the freezer. The barf will freeze into a flat square that can be slid through cracks like mail slots and slightly rolled down car windows, etc. get their info and sign them up for junk mail. List random...
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    Interesting story about my day...

    Lets hope you have more book smarts than street smarts. Deny everything. know when to shut up too.
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    New Bubbler!

  9. F

    fuck valentines day

    Me and this Mrs. are broke so we wont be going out. We will be staying home for FuckFest 2010 at our house. Cheap fun with my bestfriend, PRICELESS. lolbongsmilie
  10. F

    Neigbours are harassing me

    Two suggestions: Have a beer with them. Who doesnt love beer. Hopefully you live somewhere where you can just crack one out front of where you live and stand and talk for a few minutes. And if there is no remedy to the guy being a dick. Buy a taser and piss them off enough to were he is going...
  11. F

    meth paraphanelia ?????

    I didnt see the gun thing. If you friend also got charged with that fire arm, he would have been so royaly fucked. Mom took the fall to save his ass. Might have had cool cops that suggested this. Saved your friends ass either way, a difference between months and years I bet. Sounds like you...
  12. F

    meth paraphanelia ?????

    Its a bad time to be a tweaker. I grew up in Kern county(AKA-Kerntucky) which is basically the meth captal of the states. I have a good friend that is law enforcement of sorts and know the rundown of their priorities. He is pursuing predominantly tweakers and also heroin users. Your friend is...
  13. F

    New jersey is now officiallyt he garden state!!!!!!

    Its about time! Congrats! People became millionaires in cali(some also went to jail), position yourself right and you could come up huge. Glad to see you guys are going to get to enjoy MJ legally.
  14. F

    So I built this DIY aerocloner and...

    I dont know if this would cause a problem, but isnt jump start for foliar feeding. I put a teaspoon of clonex gel in, but am pretty convinced that I dont even need that. One thing I do is lightly mar the lower 1 inch of the cutting with the edge of my knife, just enough to break skin of the...
  15. F

    What Offends You?

    Heck ya. I have given out a few vigilante ass whoopens. Sometimes you have to fight the good fight just for the sake of it. One I time I chased down a purse snatcher and took back some ladies purse and held the guy till the popo's came. That was the third date with what is now my wife.
  16. F

    What Offends You?

    Rabble rabble Rabble rabble Rabble rabble... Words that offend me. Last fight I started was with a guy I didnt know over using the word nigger to belittle someone. Apparently I wasnt supposed to be offended because I was white, fuck him. You guys fighting about faith is funny. Who really cares.
  17. F

    So I built this DIY aerocloner and...

    For cuttings, I leave my pump on constantly. I use a Eco plus 396.
  18. F

    So I built this DIY aerocloner and...

    From all the reading I have done on cloning, its probably not the cloner, but instead the process in which the cutting was taken. I use a very nice pairing knife that is boiled and then dipped in alcohol, but just be sure to use something sterile and razor sharp. You want to cut diagonally...
  19. F

    So I built this DIY aerocloner and...

    I am in the same boat as you almost. I used to grow DWC and built a cloner and was shocked by good it worked. You probably wont be able to go through the whole grow in that bucket due to the roots interfering pump and limited space of the bucket, but I also have limited experience. I currently...
  20. F

    So I built this DIY aerocloner and...

    I am in the same boat as you almost. I used to grow DWC and built a cloner and was shocked by good it worked. You probably wont be able to go through the whole grow in that bucket due to the roots and the pump and limited space of the bucket, but I also have limited experience. I currently...