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  1. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Lazy Auto

    Hi guys. This is my 3rd grow. This time went for Sohum living soil watered with ph’d butt water with Blumat drippers. Fool proof I thought but nearly 6 weeks in and it just didn’t have the veg growth spurt my other plants have had. It started flowering in week three and hasn’t bushed out hardly...
  2. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Lazy autoflower

    Hi guys. This is my 3rd grow. This time went for Sohum living soil watered with ph’d butt water with Blumat drippers. Fool proof I thought but nearly 6 weeks in and it just didn’t have the veg growth spurt my other plants have had. It started flowering in week three and hasn’t bushed out hardly...
  3. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Lazy autoflower

    Hi guys. This is my 3rd grow. This time went for Sohum living soil watered with ph’d butt water with Blumat drippers. Fool proof I thought but nearly 6 weeks in and it just didn’t have the veg growth spurt my other plants have had. It started flowering in week three and hasn’t bushed out hardly...
  4. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Water ph keeps rising.

    Water is hard but not excessively so.
  5. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Water ph keeps rising.

    Thats a comprehensive answer.! Thanks very much.
  6. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Water ph keeps rising.

    It starts at 7.6 I adjust to 6.5 and in a couple of days it’s back to 7.5 again.
  7. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Water ph keeps rising.

    Hi. Any body tested ph levels after water has been sitting for over 24hrs? I’ve set up a tank system above my plants and I’m using Blumat drippers to feed organic Sohum living soil with just ph’d butt water as recommended by Sohum. The problem I’m having is that after adjusting the water in the...
  8. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    Dou you mean look up my local water info? pH 7.2 - 7.6 Free Chlorine 1.0 - 2.0 mg/l Combined Chlorine residual should be kept as low as 0.5 mg/l and should be no more than one-third of total chlorine. Total Alkalinity 80 - 150 mg/l Calcium Hardness 200 mg/l minimum Total Dissolved Solids...
  9. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    No, always ph test after all gubbins added. Do I look like an idiot! That’s a stupid question looking at my profile pic. Thanks for the advice.
  10. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    You recommend going to photos then? Don’t mind the idea.
  11. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    I’m in soil. Bat special mix with biobizz light. Using biobizz grow and bloom. Autoflower started to show nutrient deficiencies just after flowering started and I’ve chasing my arse ever since. Loosing leaves from discolouration from bottom up. Had so many opinions I’ve gone crazy thinking...
  12. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    That’s the straightest answer I’ve ever got from a question here. So my tap water is .55. Should I have been using filtered or rain water from the start?
  13. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    280 using which EC scale .5 or .7? Or does that question make less sense to you than does me?
  14. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    I’ve just got a new hm com-100 tds meter and tested the ppm. The thing is the meter reads in .5 or .7 ppm. .5 reads 280 and .7 reads 380 or thereabouts. The pen has a few too many setting for me a the mo. You can shed some light if you like.
  15. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Hard water

    Hi again Just so I can start ruling out everything that eventually turns my plants from healthy beasts to pale pathetic weeds over the course of there short lives, is my water too hard and do I need to filter it. Please don’t say the RO word as I flat refuse to invest in more expensive equipment...
  16. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    How to use hm com-100 TDS meter with organic

    Hi everyone. On a past forum post a kind member suggested checking my nutes ppm to help with feed levels as I was having trouble with my autoflower. The problem is I am using biobizz nutes and have read it’s not possible to measure which I find hard to believe. Does anyone have a com-100 and if...
  17. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Dying from the bottom up.

    My new com-100 EC/TDS/temp meter turned up. Anybody like to chip on the basics of using it to help on my growing journey?
  18. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Dying from the bottom up.

    Thanks for the reply. Firstly yes the white bits are just reflection from the dried Epsom’s. Though that had worked at first but keep loosing leaves down below. The original ph test was from a tiny bit of run off I gathered. It’s was 7.4 even though the in was 6.5 ish. I’ve now got a quality ph...
  19. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Dying from the bottom up.

    Hi people. Ok so I’ve been here a few times over the last week and my problem persists. I’ll tell you what 8 think is important and please chip in with some theories. I’ve got organic soil and organic biobizz feed. The first time I thought I might have a problem was after 6 weeks of this Big...
  20. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    How to lower soil ph

    I’ll let it dry out get the ppm down to say 900 /1000 and see how it goes then. Thanks for your advice. I’ve realised there’s a lot more to growing than I thought. Is there anything else you think I might need to watch out for or adjust maybe?