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  1. S

    15 mg ir morphine..

    i thought this was for growing you sound like bunch of smack heads
  2. S

    HELP for the new guy take a look at my plan drawing

    could i not build a small carbon filter with bottles and carbon with some scoreing cloth over it or some shit any ideas only for the 1 plant
  3. S

    HELP for the new guy take a look at my plan drawing

    i want to do it in a bin because my family wont look in a bin lol but would look in a cabinet
  4. S

    HELP for the new guy take a look at my plan drawing

    can you wire up 3 fans to one old pohne chager plug or would it blow
  5. S

    HELP for the new guy take a look at my plan drawing

    Tell me what you think if its worth trying to build i just want to grow 1 lowrider in a bin stealth style if you think its crap tell me so i dont waste money makin it