Search results

  1. itchyB

    should i be worried?

    Imho if they did happen to flag you (which sounds unlikely for ur setup) posting online is an open invite for a search warrant. If you were or ever do become flagged, better believe feds will do whatever they can to link your registered email to whatever you're a member of online; posts, blogs...
  2. itchyB

    Odor Scrubber Setup

    I think the clamps do 99% of the job when nicely tightened , I used reflective-looking tape around some of the clamped parts that may have needed a little touch up. Couldn't tell u what the tapes called i asked a friend to grab me some different reflective tapes from his job. There's manny diff...
  3. itchyB

    Odor Scrubber Setup

    I also found that my 6" fan (424cfm) pulls pretty fast and I think it pulls too fast, which causes some exhaust to still have a lil stink. So I ended up buying a 20$ connector that plugs into my outlet. the fan plugs in to that connector and I can now completely control the strength of my fan...
  4. itchyB

    Odor Scrubber Setup

    Yep you connect the hollow side to ducting/fan. The fan pulls air through all those little holes on the perimeter of the filter, which is why the other end is capped off. And hey man my bracket was exactly the same thing. I've concluded that the reason it feels loose after screws are in is...
  5. itchyB

    Odor Scrubber Setup

    Thanks trap it turned out better than expected The fan setup was easy this brand of high velocity fans (GrowBright) comes with an attachable bracket that you screw into the fan that hooks to any top bar of the tent. For me it wasn't perfectly secured so I took a ziptie thing and tied around the...
  6. itchyB

    Potential hermie?

    Hey everybody so this plant is 4 weeks old from seed. I know it's still early, but I'm trying to sex ASAP. Last week its first pre flowers began to show which I had already determined female. Over this past week they have now been starting to look definitely male-shaped, but one of the "balls"...
  7. itchyB

    "Amelia Electrolyte Water" ?

    :shock: That water is SO pricey too it's 2.99 a gallon ! I tasted it and kind of tastes like that smart water stuff lol but anyway , it says it's bottled at a "historical black creek aquifer" in Saratoga NC , I can't even find the stuff on google
  8. itchyB

    "Amelia Electrolyte Water" ?

    Hey friends , so I stumbled upon a brand of water that my local grocery store sells by the gallon, called "Amelia Electrolyte Water". The label states "naturally occurring alkaline water ph 7.6.calcium 8.91 mg / 12oz , magnesium 2.06 mg and potassium 2.45mg per 12oz After adding nutes ph is...
  9. itchyB

    Odor Scrubber Setup

    My tent is 4x4x6'11 and I'm using air cooled hood too, so here's a good setup I decided to do! I went with the 6" high velocity fan (424 CFM) and a GrowBright medium sized carbon filter and the final product couldn't make me happier in terms of effectiveness. I will tell u the filter an fan...
  10. itchyB

    Lower&Mid Fan leaves going dark and crisp??

    If you are feeding it nutes every watering then I would certainly suggest that you hold off on the nutes for a few days to a week after flushing. You will see a difference in the plant after doing this, good or bad; likely good. If good, then you may have found your source :) What's your light...
  11. itchyB

    purple steam, greenhouse seeds great white shark

    It can also be a combination of genetics and a slight pH imbalance causing a slightly darker hue of purple.
  12. itchyB

    yellowing/browning leaves, curled up

    totally normal. Plant doesn't look satisfied with the amount of light though :P What's ur soil? She's probably got quite the appetite, give her alight feed
  13. itchyB

    Lower&Mid Fan leaves going dark and crisp??

    There can be a good number of possible reasons for this.. but here's what I observed: the leaves resemble that of a plant in early root rot stages; They're clearly wilting. Disease is very possible. What was stated in post above is also a good input Extreme nitrogen toxicity/nute burn combined...