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  1. itchyB

    is this natural or should I be bummed

    Hey guys , just an update . I gave them a dose of 1.5tsp/gal of CalMg+ by General organics with plain water (ph around 6.3) last night as their feeding. Not so sure if I'm supposed to see results yet ; are the already affected leaves permanently damaged like that? I need to know so I cons find...
  2. itchyB

    is this natural or should I be bummed

    Thanks guys Weednerd-thank you for the chart. I've been over far too many pictures and to be honest most of the time when I have a plant problem, the charts only functioned as a means to null out the possibilities/find a similar case. But it's so difficult for me to find out why the problem is...
  3. itchyB

    is this natural or should I be bummed

    hey guys . I wanna thank you in advance for whatever help you offer me . My plants are at the end of week 5 flower ; week 6 starting tmr. Throughout the entire grow thus far, the plants grew perfectly healthy . Never been burned / never been deficient . This is my third grow, but first to ever...
  4. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    Thanks for the info I really appreciate it everybody . It's funny because before I got into more complex growing and had that "drop a seed and water it" mentality is where I got the seed from this specific plant. It was from an outdoor grown plant whose buds happened to have a few seeds in it...
  5. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    this is probably going to take me some research to fully learn rather than getting you to spill all your knowledge haha but thank you so much on such timely helpful responses you're awesome! I will close with one more question (lol) is it true that fertilizing a female with a hermie's pollen can...
  6. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    And I had another question , I kinda wanna keep the hermie gene for future experimentation and was thinking of taking a few clones of it . But what would happen if I only took clones on the sections where there's pistils? And since the sacs aren't ripe yet is there any process I can use to...
  7. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    What do u mean by check for light leaks ? EDIT: oh I know what u mean by light leaks , I'm good on that but last night coincidentally I accidentally kept the ceiling light on for like 2 hours after dark period started lol but other than that all good
  8. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    Well, they all pretty much look as the ones in the pics so I'm gonna assume and PRAY they are still closed !!
  9. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    Damn that blows , thank you guys on the quick reply. I have removed them now, is it safe to say they have not done any damage to my other females ?
  10. itchyB

    HPS/LED combo grow-Seeking opinions

    thank you for your post my friend, much appreciated! I've continued to tinker with the light positioning via your recommendation :)
  11. itchyB

    I've been patient, but now I'm alarmed

    Good day everybody. Today, my curiosity and lack of a similar experience caused by this one damn plant has caused my patience to run thin. Please don't be an ass and say "I'm so tired of people asking what sex their plant is instead of waiting" because I have waited plenty, and 2 weeks in...
  12. itchyB

    Help Identify The Issue

    And man those new pics you posted I also experienced the exact same thing . Like very small discreet little yellow spots (only a few) where there would be a tiny hole that you can see right thru the leaf. Or that's what it looks like to me on your pic. Problem is I never even resolved the source...
  13. itchyB

    Help Identify The Issue

    Imo it'd be hard to burn seedlings with FF Big Bloom , throughout an entire one of my grows I've used for the most part 3 teaspoons (1 tbs) every other feed . As far as the returned boron def. and CalMag, a calcium and magnesium problem very often will accompany a boron deficiency when the...
  14. itchyB

    Help Identify The Issue

    Yea they're pretty rare from what I've read , glad everything looks good now
  15. itchyB

    Help Identify The Issue

    I don't have the pic of mine anymore but here's what a boron deficiency looks like and it looks extremely similar to yours. This was exactly what mine looked like except mine also had calcium and magnesium problems. Again, my problem was solved by stopping Ph'ing of my water with an unreliable...
  16. itchyB

    Help Identify The Issue

    that looks like a boron deficiency to me. The pattern of marks is unforgettable to me lol. They feel almost rough and scab-like don't they? I had my entire rack of plants about your plant's size look quite similar to yours, but mine also had yellowing in between the leaf veins. But they all had...
  17. itchyB

    HPS/LED combo grow-Seeking opinions

    Edit: pics fixed
  18. itchyB

    HPS/LED combo grow-Seeking opinions

    What's up my friends so I'm posting this for two reasons. To show results I got with the combination of HPS and 7-band LED lights which have worked so nicely in my opinion. Also seeking opinions on whether now is the right time To change the light period to 12/12; Plants couldn't be happier I...
  19. itchyB

    Reuse of soil after male extermination?

    Cool thanks man. Reason I was concerned was because I had recalled a few years ago I read that root rot and other diseases can come from using old soil / pots that had dead root matter in it, but I guess since this soil is so fresh it's cool. Thanks a lot !
  20. itchyB

    Reuse of soil after male extermination?

    hey guys, so yesterday I identified one of my 5-week old plants as a male. When preflowers first began to show I saw what looked to be female, thus I had transplanted into a 5 gal of new soil. It's been in the container only for 2ish weeks, after killing the male I cleaned out its soil of...