Search results

  1. tallstraw

    V or U scrogs anyone?

    I've done google searches and forums searches on all the regular forums I use...Cant find any great examples of these, except 1 fudes youtube vid, and he never showed what the final outcome was. Just speculated what thw plants were gonna yield. Are there any V or U scrog showoff thread or such...
  2. tallstraw

    WA MMJ proposed law changes.

    I know I'm in the wrong section. But wanna post where it will be seen the most. With WA, they are planning to do away with MMJ. You, need to do your part and contact your statesmen to let them know you will not stand for this. It is unjust and puts profits over patients. The storyboard is...
  3. tallstraw

    Can you do a one plant grow with a 150 wt HPS?

    Well consodering people say 50-100w per sqft..I think you'd be good with it just over 1 plant.
  4. tallstraw

    U scrog dilemma

    Nvm..think I figured it out. Just have a fan blowing from the same side as the exhaust side of the tent, and then have the inline fan pulling air away from the otherside of the bulb. Since the box fan will be pushing it that way? Instead of south to north air direction like most fans for...
  5. tallstraw

    U scrog dilemma Heres what im going for in my tent that is the same size as his. I'm gonna do it in my 4x4x7 tent too. But that ones flowering and wont be don for a while. So I can worry about it later. I wanna...
  6. tallstraw

    First ever coco grow

    Straight coco and use the lucas method for coco. It's too simple. In theory, all RO water should be about the same. But it's not. I've only found a few who are the right PH so when you mix your nutes it comes out to an almost perfect 5.8 everytime. So findout who around you caries water, get...
  7. tallstraw

    1200w Stadium "stinkbud" spinoff SOG Critical mass and Critical Sensi Star

    What are you trying to accomokish? Idk anything about vertical and trying to learn? Whats the inspiration or model you're trying to mimic?
  8. tallstraw


    What the hell is all the numbers and letters lol? Mind given a newbie a sticky to read breaking them all down? Lol
  9. tallstraw

    Buy confiscated lights from the police

    What are you talking about. In med states you're doing the opposite. You're helping continue to grow cannabis. I buy from CA department, it gets shipped here. To a friends house, who doesnt grow. With his card. I get it. Give it to my girl. A ballast isn't alone enough for a search warrant. Nor...
  10. tallstraw

    what breeder has the best sour diesel?

    5 seeds for 200 and younnormally get an extra.
  11. tallstraw

    whats the real sour diesel?

    Blah blah, while his goal looks to be a smammer. But maybe he just really likes his gear. Yours looks like the exact opposite Every chance you have, you talk shit aaboutit all. Then substitute your own company of choice to rep.
  12. tallstraw

    whats the real sour diesel?

    I imagine nycd is whats popular in NYC. Not ecsd lol
  13. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    Im definitely hoping regardless of the strain I think im leaning towards thrm beinf female. Both are growing the same as the rest it looks But are lush and green so it's not a nute problem. Either runt males, or female! :D fingers crossed. I think this is good for us. My girl has having to...
  14. tallstraw

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    You have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about on power lol. I could explain MD's situation to back it up. Buttfuckit. Dont feelnlike typing so much.
  15. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    The one thats not growing like a christmas tree I think might be Mangolian Indica. They're both inherently indica. All are except the sleestack 1 of which is much taller and much more sativa than thr other sleestack. But I digress. It definitely displayed sativas leaves and I thought that's what...
  16. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    I got that lol -_- but thanks brohon solo
  17. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    Id say telling me what it isnt, is a definitely much helpful, I'll wagrr even a little more than ehat it 'could be'. Thanks man.
  18. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    Basically so I know what to watch for strain wise in flower. They should be regular seeds and not feminised per what ky SOS order form said when I got my list of freebies.
  19. tallstraw

    anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?

    Trying to get a good couple of educated possible guesses on what these 2 could be. Its the second column to the left Heres a more isolated top shot, and side shots of each, any ideas by anyone if theyre familiar with Sag gear? Otherwise sorry for wasting your time lol. I know its next to...
  20. tallstraw

    TallStraw's Second Run!! :D

    The vegging plants from left to right back to front, if I remember correctly Sleestack / Sag Mix / chunky cheese / Chunky cheese / chunky cheese Sleestack/ Sag Mix / chunky cheese / White widow X White widow There's burns I know. I've let the coco dry out too much a few times, and when it dries...