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  1. tallstraw

    Zinc Def?

    That was my original guess, since most issues tend to me MG related ime personally and through reading plant problems on forums. I gave it more MG and it progressing still. I just flushed it yesyerday, so in a few days, I'll start lucas back up, and up the Mag I use. I need to start trusting my...
  2. tallstraw

    Zinc Def?

    My plant shows almost textbook zinc deficiency, that little leaf picture guide looking thing is the book I'm reffering to. But I seriously doubt it's a zinc deficiency. What problem commonly lock out zinc? I flushed with 3 gals of tap and 2.75 gals of clearex yesterday through the 5 gal pot. So...
  3. tallstraw

    Tallstraw 4th grow

    Chopping the rest of my other planta down tonight.
  4. tallstraw

    yellowing? Possible Mag Def.

    I have had salt buildup before it was different and went really fast, but started at the bottom. I guess I'll just watch to see if progression keeps up. If so, I'll try and fix.thanks for the time, useless thread, my bad.
  5. tallstraw

    Tallstraw 4th grow

    ww is showing a slight problem Resinator looks phenomenal for week 3 though.
  6. tallstraw

    yellowing? Possible Mag Def.

    Pics explain the plant. The heads in question would be thr main top on the plant once I checked the stems underneath. Rest of thr plant looks good. I'm assuming that it is a Mag deficiency, looks like a previous one I had. It is very slowly progressing. But that burn showed up almost overnight...
  7. tallstraw

    Is moldy weed completely useless?

    I was just reffering to PM.
  8. tallstraw

    5 weeks bloom little sighn...

    Bro its just a runt. One of my chunky cheeses was like that. No real bud production. Lower buds were bigger than the top cola. But the plant was laden with resin out to the tips of the leaves. If I had the ability. I'd have bred it. It was seriously awesome resin production. No matter how the...
  9. tallstraw

    Is moldy weed completely useless?

    Why not make budder for edibles. No smoking involved and if you have no allergies you're good. Or run it through a micron filter comparable to mold spore size.
  10. tallstraw

    Is moldy weed completely useless?

    Seen this talk in bho sections often. The short and sweet consensus was this: Yes you can make Bho, and the like but the extraction and winterizing and etc needs to be done and done right, if you search you could find your answer.
  11. tallstraw

    When do I start my plants flowering?

    If you haven't started by now it's too late, trash em and start over. Too late to flower, too late, she just cant take it captain.
  12. tallstraw

    What does LST mean?

    I think he means 3-5weeks from seed? Because if he means from clone, then I'd totally disagree, 3-5 weeks makes a big plant, and is plenty of time to make a good flower laden canopy.
  13. tallstraw

    Anyone had a plant finish real early?

    Yeah my fan leaves are yellowing and starting to slump buy none fell off, and they're all showing that phosphorus looking type deficit. But I know it nitrogen. The buds were solid as rocks and finished up strong. So I cut the top foot off. Let the next week or so to let the plant focus on the...
  14. tallstraw

    What does LST mean?

    I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did
  15. tallstraw

    What does LST mean?

    Low stress training The second guide being the best and mostly...
  16. tallstraw

    Anyone had a plant finish real early?

    See, I was told different, never heard the flipside argument. I was told in PM's on other sites, and through reading thr logs and etc. Drop your N the last few weeks and up the P and K until you see burn on thr tips of your leaves on the buds, since the fan leaves are gonna go anyways since...
  17. tallstraw

    Anyone had a plant finish real early?

    Learn something new everyday.
  18. tallstraw

    Anyone had a plant finish real early?

    Cut the tops off and the buds that are ready, and let the others ripen. I did a little reading on it, then did it to my plants this run..then was like oh fuck should have read more lol. It looks like its working on my plants. I'm doing mine in 3 stages. Just started 2nd stage on the first plant...
  19. tallstraw

    grow tent to buckets to watts used

    Is it 1 sqaure foot, tell me more about how all pots are made exactly the same and uniform in every dimension, everywhere, Jekyll. My 5 gal super root airpot that may hold true. My 5gal smartpots are over a ft wide. So what kind of 5 gal pot is he using Dr Jekyll? You seem to have the witty...
  20. tallstraw

    What deficiency is this?

    Sounds like nute burn. But without a oicture we're just going off a description that could be being explained wrong, and we'd be trying to solve a problem you don't even have. They really need to make it so you have to post a picture in this section.