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  1. KingInDaCloset

    New pics, proud first timer

    No doubt it's all in my mind about the sweeter taste but I won't complain about the illusion!:mrgreen:
  2. KingInDaCloset

    New pics, proud first timer

    Get a brix meter and study plant sugars. Sugars increase with molasses.
  3. KingInDaCloset

    New pics, proud first timer

    Sorry to differ but I disagree...Using it sparingly all the way to the finish has made my buds taste slightly sweet at the end. If folks use pure water to flush the plants at the end of the flower cycle they may be flushing out the sugar. Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
  4. KingInDaCloset

    wanting input from every one

    Try AK-47 or AOTA for both, it kicks butt. Also any predominantly Indica strains for the production green house, they flower earlier and still make heavy buds. Happy Gardening! GrowIT!
  5. KingInDaCloset

    what the heck is this?

    Hi, I'm wondering what your watering pattern is? Also why no nutrients? Also, My apologies if I cover topics you're already up to speed on... Reason for the watering question is,... commonly, folks gardening in soil mixes water too often, forgetting to allow the top half of the root zone to dry...
  6. KingInDaCloset

    New pics, proud first timer

    Hi!, Just stopped in to say nice plant! Try a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of water, every other watering till they're finished. Don't forget to let the top half of the root ball dry out a bit. They flower hard when they feel a drought coming on in the roots. Too much water reduces size...
  7. KingInDaCloset

    Driving while high..

    Hey, make cookies w/pot butter, No smell, still need eye drops though. Lasts a long time too! GrowIT!:weed:
  8. KingInDaCloset

    If you love your nutes, please toss me a recommendation.

    Hi, I use Fox Farms'; Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and Grow big in various combinations in my hydro set up. In fact I use them at a lesser strength than they suggest because the plants seem to like it better. 6 cycles a day through hydroton/expanded clay. Simple to use and it's organic. Good products...
  9. KingInDaCloset

    Going on vacation - how do you do it? Possible?

    Hi, Well the answer I think really depends on what kind of system you're talking about, whether you're growing indoors or out, hydro or soils and so on. And of course how long you'll be gone for. I'll talk from a hydro perspective. First things first. If you build a hydro system plan for...
  10. KingInDaCloset

    Should I cut dead part of leaves off?

    Hey, I might wonder about a few things first...Why are the tips drying? Yeah maybe aphids but a nutrient and or pH imbalance tends to be more likely. Could even be they're too close to the lights eh? Even flourescents can over heat a leaf. Don't sweat the dried out part unless you're a neat...
  11. KingInDaCloset

    First attempt at flowering

    Hey Fantastic! You're gonna have some nice colas! Everybody looks pretty happy! Regarding transplant...I wouldn't, it'll shock her for sure & that will set things back and might stunt growth over all. She can probably take it but it'l up set her. Just keep up the feeding and try not to over...
  12. KingInDaCloset

    How much time for lighting for veg??

    Though there are many ways to the same goal, the closer to natural conditions the less stress for the plants, use 18 hrs of light. Skip the suggestion for 24, sure it works but that's cutting out the night dark cycle which is just as important to a plants health. They need it dark to click into...
  13. KingInDaCloset

    How much time for lighting for veg??

    Hi, You're Welcome....I take a clone(actually 4), stick them in 3 inch grodan cubes in the green house dome tray to root for about 2 plus weeks and often pinch them at some point to to get them to branch. When they are 5 inches and have branched at least twice (i.e. 4 branches) I move them to...
  14. KingInDaCloset

    first grow outdoors 2009 need help

    Hi Yep those look very sativa like, Slowest flowering strain on earth. Trick is to start them a lot earlier. Even use a cold frame in early spring. Some varieties take almost 10 months to mature. Since you started so late the yield will be smaller than it could've been and possibly be...
  15. KingInDaCloset

    Need some help

    Yes moving the lights farther away will make it stretch but don't bother. When you set it to flowering it'll stretch then. Just grow it until it's well branched & as tall as you need then flower it. Yes nutrients are as important to the plant as they are to us humans. However, Bagged soils...
  16. KingInDaCloset

    Need some quick advice

    Try using a couple T-5 flourescents. I use 2, 24 inch single tube fixtures, relatively cheap. 60 watts ain't gonna do it. I've seen several CFL's used though, even cheaper! Main thing is... the more light (lumens) they get the less they stretch.
  17. KingInDaCloset

    Last Hope ..

    Just sounds like damping off (rot), try a peat pellet to start your seeds. They can be found at most garden centers. Hard little discs. Moisten, let expand and set seed in top. Transplant the whole gizmo. Happy gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
  18. KingInDaCloset

    Rubbermaid leaks more than my shower head (HELP!)

    I'm sure you could find one the size you need but I use a 100 qt Coleman cooler, Very strong, insulates nutrients, no cracking do to water weight. Kicks butt! No more Rubbermaid floods!:weed:
  19. KingInDaCloset

    How much time for lighting for veg??

    The fast answer is a decent growing Jorge Cervantes book, the way plants grow in nature and keep things simple. Your questions are all kind of connected. 1) Veg stage is 18 hrs lights on, switch to flowering stage by reducing light to 12 hrs ....indoors, under...
  20. KingInDaCloset

    Is this a pH problem?

    Hi, I've used the Ocean/Forest and found it's pretty good all by it's self i.e. no pH issues and yet it has quite a bit of nitrogen available right off the bat which might be a jolt for a new transplant or start. Also, don't get the idea that any bagged soil has nutrients for longer than a...