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  1. KingInDaCloset

    How should I grow in my location

    How about two air cooled 600 watt? Heavily insulate the whole space, buy the biggest vent fan you can afford and the biggest portable air conditioner you can afford and set aside part of the space for a mother plant and clones under t-5 might take a look at Jorge Cervantes Indoor...
  2. KingInDaCloset

    Budding Problems.. HELP!

    Hi 1st a few questions...How often do you water? When you water are you applying nutrients every watering? How close are your lights to the tops? How is your soils pH? Are you drying the root zone half way out before applying more water? Are you using an Ozone generator? Watering is the #1...
  3. KingInDaCloset

    Bud hairs turning redish purple?

    No worries! Red tips are the start of ripening flowers. When they get mostly red you'll be close to picking, Naturally I'm available for on site quality evaluations...Dude!
  4. KingInDaCloset

    plant cupping? is this where i need to be 1 week?

    Looks fine, are you keeping it covered so it can be humid? If not you might poke a few holes in a clear plastic pop bottle bottom half and cover the tender little gal. while it's starting out, that'll encourage rooting and in turn more leaves. Hang in there, No worries I think. They can handle a...
  5. KingInDaCloset


    Hi Sure, Germination is the seed hatching. It pops two baby leaves (roundish ones AKA Cotylydons) As well as a delicate tap root. Then it begins the growth thing, using the food stored in the seed. To Germinate/Hatch them isn't too hard. Take your seeds and slightly/lightly sand the outer skin...
  6. KingInDaCloset

    any doctors in the house??

    Wrote a long note but it would'nt send, trying this route...Watering: First get a GOOD water meter to check soil moisture content THEN....Water plants thoroughly followed by Drying their ROOT ZONEs half way out before watering again. Drying soil completely is a stressful thing on tender new...
  7. KingInDaCloset

    any doctors in the house??

    Hi, actually the plants look good. What are you feeding them? How often? What is your watering pattern at the moment? With that somewhat brown leaf showing on a lower branch it may be a deficiency that occurred earlier, or a burn from too much heat. Other leaves ought to be showing signs of...
  8. KingInDaCloset

    Sounds good, Good Luck! :-)

    Sounds good, Good Luck! :-)
  9. KingInDaCloset

    Growers networking?

    Hi, Actually it's a good idea but maybe just a little ahead of it's time. As things lighten up a bit on the law enforcement side of things in general and maybe more states adopt at least Medical use then folks will start to network beyond this or other sites. For now though, speaking for myself...
  10. KingInDaCloset

    will this work?

    Hi I agree the buckets are way too small, go with at least 5's (bigger the volume of reservoir the more stable the nutrient mix is i.e. no big pH changes or TDS changes or temp changes. I use a 20 gallon Coleman cooler to supply my flowering plants. My mother is in a 5 gallon bucket. The air...
  11. KingInDaCloset


    Just a suggestion...Buy Jorge Cervantes book about indoor cultivation. I'm having a hard time picturing your set up. Are you growing in soil in the tank or just in pots in the tank...sounds weird. New seedlings don't need ANY fertilizer till they have two sets of branches. You'll fry them if...
  12. KingInDaCloset

    Temp change from outside to in. How would she react to the change?

    Temp changes like that are still well within the tolerance range of the plants I'd try it and see if it wilts or curls. I believe the plants are resilient enough to deal with it. Especially if they've already been hardened off to the outdoors. Good Luck GrowIT!:weed:
  13. KingInDaCloset

    Cupping up & down & change of colour

    Hey you're welcome! Are you growing in soil or some thing else? Does it drain and dry fast? The 3x feeds in soil everyday would be too much I think...the question you want to answer for yourself is are they staying wet and are they still mostly wet when you water the next time. IF so then yes...
  14. KingInDaCloset

    Cupping up & down & change of colour

    Yep, still probably is too frequent a watering pattern...unless you're doing something else you didn't mention...? Are you applying foliar sprays? Have an Ozone generator? Trying some of the urban legends like Super Thrive, VF-11 or other miracle in your mind products? Do you have the lights way...
  15. KingInDaCloset

    When should I turn these puppies

    Hi, Your welcome! *warning epic follows* I'd hold off on foliar feeding untill they have 6 branches (lots of leaves and hardened off to the light) I generally don't foliar feed. If I do it's with a seaweed extract which helps do preventative protection as well as feeds. I'd stay away from...
  16. KingInDaCloset

    Another lighting question

    Sorry they require different ballasts. You can buy switchable ballasts though. GrowIT!:weed:
  17. KingInDaCloset

    When should I turn these puppies

    Looking good! Nice plants! To answer your question...Switching them to flower kind of depends on how tall you can grow them. Assuming you're indoors as the pics suggest and height is limited then I'd start flowering them at the first sign of multiple branches. In general they'll grow anywhere...
  18. KingInDaCloset

    400w MH lamp for 12plants! ( extra lights)

    Hi, I suggest growing them short but stout. Meaning 24 inches or less. The 400 watt will do it but make sure you have plenty of circulation to prevent stagnant air from becoming mildewy or moldy. Use good quality organic nutrients and pay attention to pH of your soil or hydro solution. Roots...
  19. KingInDaCloset

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    Mr. Hulot's Holiday or Mon Oncle, two Jaque Tati films...saw them in college on shrooms, could'nt stop laughing. very funny foreign films. Like a french Chaplin, but funnier.