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  1. KingInDaCloset

    Lost my smell

    Hi, Just curious to know if you have a carbon filter attached to your fan, and if so, whether the filter is mounted inside of the flower or gro space? Some contend that a carbon filter in the gro area traps a lot of the odors. (as it's supposed to!) Might be urban myth though. :leaf: I really...
  2. KingInDaCloset

    alaska fish fert.

    1st, Fish emulsion lasts a long time in the bottle, probably still pretty good... 2nd, High Nitrogen applications tell the plant to grow green parts & go veg. Use it for the veg stage. I use a little (nitrogen) during flowering to maintain healthy leaves but other wise you're right about...
  3. KingInDaCloset

    leaves are dying

    I agree, try some bloom nutrients and kick it up a notch. Bigger blooms eh?! Fan leaves always yellow toward the end, just pick them off. Do you have any kids? ....Did you just give them water too? (just teasing!!!!:lol:) FEED your living being and it will reward you.... Potting soils...
  4. KingInDaCloset

    First attempt at flowering

    :bigjoint: Check this out. I forgot to force this little gal to branch before I tossed her in the flower side. She became a bud on a stick! Looks like a lil' fat X-mass tree! HA! :weed:
  5. KingInDaCloset

    First attempt at flowering

    No worries! The differences will be pretty distinct between development stages, (as I'm sure you are already aware)you almost don't really need start dates when you've got a dozen or less. A big room full though & I'd need some sort of tracking system for sure. So what are you doing for your...
  6. KingInDaCloset

    First attempt at flowering

    Sweet one! Nice plants! Now just keep from picking it for 6 to 8 weeks and you'll be set! Hard not to want to touch them all the time too! More on the fingers less in the pipe though! Good Luck! Happy gardening! GrowIT!
  7. KingInDaCloset

    How Do I 'Break' a Plant?

    IMHO, I would BEND it down to lower the growth hormone in the tallest tip to a level below the nearest set of branches. This forces more branching and will stunt growth with out breaking what will be one of your biggest colas! Use green plastic garden tape and gently tie the tallest tip and...
  8. KingInDaCloset

    HELP!!! Hydro Grow gone wrong!

    A little lower humidity would be better too eh!? 50% or less. = less mold mildew & fungus.
  9. KingInDaCloset

    HELP!!! Hydro Grow gone wrong!

    Hi Well here's another take on things...I grow in hydroton too, it drains & dries really quickly. I top water (drip irrigation) 6 times a day for 20 minutes a wack and never have unhappy plants. That looks like heat stress to me too. Roots are drying so leaf tips are drying out too, starting...
  10. KingInDaCloset

    Purchasing everything and need help.

    That size cabinet you ought to harvest on rotation. Add 2 new plants every 2 weeks to the flower space. Start 2 new clones every 2 weeks in the veg space. Eventually you'll be harvesting 2 plants every 2 weeks. I get over an oz per plant and I start them at 6 inches to flower. They finish under...
  11. KingInDaCloset

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    If I had to guess it looks more like a zinc deficiency to me. Changing out the nutes and flushing would help that issue. Very common.
  12. KingInDaCloset

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    Regardless of what it might be, I'd change the nutrient solution out for a fresh batch for starters, watch out for getting too heavy handed making the new mix, more fertilizer doesn't always = better...especially with nitrogen. The pH sounds good but do you know what the is EC or TDS/ppm is...
  13. KingInDaCloset

    hi have a couple questions plzz

    Hi, IMHO ( 5 years retail nurseryman), Anything 'Miracle Grow' makes is SO SO for 'Nutes'/or nutrients (not organic) and quality (very processed) and always as high a price as is possible. (gotta pay for all the advertising) IF you're growing in a soil medium, try anything organic...say like...
  14. KingInDaCloset

    average hydro cost

    Lights & water system are a good start but....Got Ventilation, Carbon filtration, De-humidifying gear? Nutrient wise I do my best to change my reservoir weekly, 20 gallons worth of water, about 10-plus tablespoons of liquid foods a week. Ideally speaking, 8 weeks = 8 changes = 80 tablespoons...
  15. KingInDaCloset


    Hi Friend, Molasses is used as a additive in dilute amounts at the end of flowering stage to add 'sweet' flavor to the bud. Depending on the method of growing you are using i.e. Soil, hydo, or NFT the molasses will inteact in different ways, sometimes not so great. Example: A friend used...
  16. KingInDaCloset

    I sprayed superthrive and now my plants are hermies

    How about isolating it from any true females and letting it pollinate itself? Use the seeds for future crops. The Hermaphrodite development isn't an expression of it's true genetics but rather an environmental effect of your 'gardening' choices...It'll still crank out good females.....just lay...
  17. KingInDaCloset

    I sprayed superthrive and now my plants are hermies

    Hi Friend! Forgive me for being an overbearing self proclaimed know-it-all but I gotta say...Hey, Super thrive has growth hormones in it. Same as VF-11. Usually coupled with a straight hit of nitrogen of some sort. It's promising fast green Growth...NOT flowery females, based on the ingredients...
  18. KingInDaCloset

    trimming healthy leaves to make plant bush

    Hi, I just wanted to offer another view of forcing branching...Leave the leaves alone. They supply food to the plant. Removing them is a set back and can lead to fungus invasion. Simply bend the top tip of the plants down below nearby branches and tie them in place for a couple of weeks. You...
  19. KingInDaCloset

    First attempt at flowering

    Each of the 4 branches as you well know becomes a cola and there are usually several smaller orbiting side branch buds that develop lower down. I used to cut the main colas then let the underlings grow more but that took too much time & space when trying to load 4 newbies every two weeks...