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  1. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Well done Springboks! World class performance! South Africa 56 Manu Samoa 23! Boks take the Castle incoming series!! Watch out All Blacks!
  2. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Still battling to post pics and text properly from mobile! Will update via pc tomorrow with some more pics(from camera):weed:
  3. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Well, well a bit of a growth spurt! Almost a 1cm growth overnight. Don't know if it's the period of darkness, the seltzer spritz or the combination of both. Whatever it is, it's working! Have raised the light a little to encourage stretching as I believe this is recommended for auto's. Pic 1-...
  4. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Well day 3, looking healthy. Cocked up with timer switch, didn't activate timer so the girls have been under 24/24. From tonight they'll go 18/6. Gave them a light spritz of seltzer wate. Going according to hydrometer they'll be due for a good watering on friday(day5) with straight seltzer...
  5. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Eve is dissapointing me! Enid, Evelyn and Ethel(that didn't sink) were all planted into their final 20l pots and placed in shed under 400w hps(24/24). Eve was soaked, placed under table lamp - absolute last chance. Light cycle will be changed today to final 18/6 - growing gals moved to cabinet...
  6. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Haha, o yeah of little faith! Ethel(that didn't sink) is in the game! Against all the odds she is now breaking the surface. That's 3 out of 4. Eve the 1 I tipped still showing no interest. Hope she's gonna make it to ensure 100% success with germination! Maybe she's just a late bloomer? Gonna...
  7. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Evelyn is gracing us with her presence! Eve is slow out of the starting blocks. Hopefully by sunday they can all 3/4 go into final 20l containers. At least I now got something to watch. Will upload some pics soon. You go girls! Watch this space...
  8. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    The pm...Enid pushing on nicely, no sign of the rest.Tomorrow I expect at least 2 more. Will take some pics(definately getting better)And do full update over the week-end
  9. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Tahdah! Woohoo!The gals are putting in an appearance! Positive vibes, told you so.This morning Enid(#2- yellow) is just starting to crack the surface - 1st lady at the dance.I expect the rest to be close on her heels. Will check this p.m
  10. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Indeed bro! Or at least trying(lol). Sorry about tardy replies but I can't seem to set up instant mail to my mobile. Well 5 days now, and nothing! When do I panic and curse the seedbank? My bag seed experiments took an average of 5 days( 3 batches)? Are the beans older/drier? Also...
  11. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Only opened 1 packet of the Auto Amphetamine (5 beans) selected what looked like the 4 best ones and floated them in sterilised h2o 06/06/13 - 14h00 Only 3 have sunk, the 4th was floating just bellow the surface(more than likely a dud! Gonna try to propogate her regardless) Place hydrated beans...
  12. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Right I finally puzzled the technicalities out! here's a couple of pic's - I appolog.ise in advance for picture quality, will definately be working on that. The first batch of seeds via Attitude seeds from the U.K 10 x Cream of the crop - Auto Amphetamine(fem) NYC x Ruderalis - 70.73 pounds...
  13. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    That's the original cabinet before adding ventilation/extraction system. will install on monday evening, there is still time.
  14. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Paid $749.99 check it out on Shipped from hong kong to South Afica in 8 days! - looks awesome. Can't wait to start on bubblelicious, please keep me posted on your grow
  15. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    6/6/13 - received 10 x auto amphetamine Floated selected 4 in a glass of sterilised h2o - 14h00 7/6/13 - 09h00 - only 3 beans have sunk, 4th floating just below the surface - maybe a dud? Gonna try to propogate it regardless. Made a propogation bath - 1 litre h20, 4 drops bio-roots, 2ml...
  16. toking tokoloshe

    Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

    Thanks tek Fan noise not a problem, cabinet stashed in a barn out back, far away from nosey's! Definately will be lst'ing. Considering a horizontal screen(scrog) for second grow. Another 10 x Nirvana Bubblelicious on the way! 20 beans = 5 grows Prepared for trial and error. Let's...