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  1. newb985

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    I've been chasing these chickens for a while and I still don't feel anything, am I doing something wrong?
  2. newb985

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    ^^ haha thats hilarious yea I actually did my first grow but i did it low-budget and it took a while before i was able to see anythjing out of it... maybe planting somre more seeds wouildn't be a bad idea. I just wish I had a grow room cuz I am just working in a small space in my own bedroom
  3. newb985

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    yea that's definitely something I was thinking about... my tolerance level is at teh point where I can smoke an entire blunt and get high but about 30 mins to an hour later I'm already at the point where I would like to smoke again. Today was my first day going without smoke since I can remember...
  4. newb985

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    Thanks for all the responses I appreciate it, but I don't want to become an alcoholic as an alternative to weed lol... I am a heavy smoker and I would rather that than being a heavy drinker. I guess the trick would be to keep my mind busy so I'm not sitting aroudn thinking about it that much...
  5. newb985

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    I have learned that for reasons of money I need to slow down how much pot I smoke (I usually go through 2-3 grams easily a day). My question is for those out there that have tried to cut down on the amount they smoke, how do you go about doing this? Today is day one and I am already getting...
  6. newb985

    When/how To Harvest???

    ^ I really have no clue why people have such a problem answering simple questions. I think it would be good if peopel actually shared personal experiences instead of being rude and just giving a link to the FAQ
  7. newb985

    When to harvest???

    I heard around 50-60% is pretty good... now I'm just trying to figure out how I wanna go about harvesting it. The plants not that big and has a small amount of buds, nothing crazy it is my first grow with very limited equipment and space
  8. newb985

    When to harvest???

    oh oikay sorry thanks for the correction... yea they are getting close because a couple of the buds have begun to start turning brown. I have been reading different things on the net and some people even suggest that you should harvest the plant one branch at a time because it matures at...
  9. newb985

    When to harvest???

    ^I don't understand what you're referring to?
  10. newb985

    When to harvest???

    This is my first grow and it is still a learning experience. I'm not exactly using high powered lighting (Flourescent tube lighting) but I am getting some decent looking buds with lots of trichomes (the little hairs) which are mostly still white but some of them are starting to turn orange/brown...
  11. newb985

    Legal bud scam or not

    :spew:@ that "deal" shit's not even worth keeping just throw it in the trash
  12. newb985

    I think my plant died...

    I know this is an old thread but you made some great points.
  13. newb985

    Plants budding... Leaves changing color?

    I bought that book "how to get over 8oz of marijuana for under $100" and even the pictures in the book had the leaves discoloring a little bit and becoming dead. I was more talking about the leaves that are intertwined with the buds... u know the little leaves that poke out from the side of...
  14. newb985

    Plants budding... Leaves changing color?

    I posted this in the newb section so everyone doesn't cuss me out in the other sections for asking a stupid question but now that my plants are starting to bud finally I have noticed that most of the leaves are starting to lose their color. I have ben clipping off the dead ones when it looks...
  15. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    ^^ Lol Yessir... Glad I didn't throw them out cuz now this can be a reward to myself for getting through finals
  16. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    I just wiped them with a paper towel to double check and nothing came off, looks like it'sj ust the bruising that everyone keeps talking about and I don't have to throw them away yay
  17. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    hopefully I will be taking them before christmas =]
  18. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    alright there seems to be some issues about understanding what exactly I was asking. My main thing is that I don't know sure sure if it's mold and it actually doesn't even really look like it's mold and it's not wiping off when i rub it.... It's tiny little blueish marks on a couple of the...
  19. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    yeah... they're fungus not mold, you can't eat mold if you didn't know that. I wasn't sure if therew as mold on my shrooms or not, is that too hard of a question for you?
  20. newb985

    My Shrooms Have Mold??Please Help

    yea I was hoping that wouldn't be the case... I really can't tell what exactly it is though, it looks like bluish colored and it isn't a whole lot. It's just that they're hard to find and I was lucky to get my hands on these :cry: