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  1. newb985

    gf and I just broke up last night happy vday

    blah I know the feeling all too well my friend... good luck
  2. newb985

    I'm so sick of winter!!!

    yea I don't mind it much. night classes canceled tonihgt... bout to turn on the xbox and play some COD4 with a couple dutchies :fire:
  3. newb985

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    weed around where I live is far too expensive... like over 200 for dro, 100 or so for mids shit sucks... I smoke a lot and shit is expensive as hell. I either have to start buying in bulk or stop smoking/almost never smoke. I'm the kind of smoker that smokes 3-4 times per day too.
  4. newb985

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    lol @ this thread
  5. newb985

    going without weed for an extended time

    I figured I'd check back in on my own thread since i started this thing a while back. I went like 4 months without smoking any tree and even though it was hard I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to pull that off. I wasn't sure how I'd do it but after you go a week or two or maybe even a...
  6. newb985

    to the dutchmaster users out there

    I been saving up proof of purchases from the 4 pack dutchmasters for the past year or so and I have well over 50. I heard a rumor from someone that if you have a certain amount of proof of purchases, you can send them back to the dutchmaster company and get some stuff :lol: Anyone know anything...
  7. newb985

    how wrong am i?

    bro any girl that is about to go out with some other dude when she's going out with you should not deserve a second thought. cut the bitch out of your life and move on to greener pastures.
  8. newb985

    going without weed for an extended time

    Well since I started this thead Ifigured I'd post a little update on my progress... it's been about 2-3 weeks or so without weed and it hasn't been a walk in the park at all but I've been doing okay. I have been smoking cigarettes for some time and at first I smoked more to take my mind off weed...
  9. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    Who are you a mod?? Why do you care? By responding to my post your the one bumping the thread moron
  10. newb985

    I got robbed

    man this dude is dumb as hell telling ppl where somenoe lives n shit... thats why I stopped sellin tree because people are dumb as hell and gonna get you wrapped up when it's not even your fault
  11. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    Seriously and you got this guy telling him to find some fiends to sell it to for $30 a pill :clap:
  12. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    lol u mad??? "close thread" is an expression... its not me asking for the thread to be closed. Go scrub your vagina
  13. newb985

    drug test in one week

    I have smoked every day for a few years now and have gone without weed for about a week and a half, it seems like forever but I don't want to chance it by smoking. I just haven't smoked and stayed away from friends who smoke because they would probably tempt me. Anyways, I have just kept myself...
  14. newb985

    Entrapment? Arrested for intent to sell

    Yea I hate to be in here after the fact but that's why you never sell shit like that to people you don't know, it's not worth it for that amount of money. Best of luck.
  15. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    Yup. Close thread. Let ppl who sell oxys find other avenues of figuring this shit out and as far as me being a dick about it, I was directing my comment to the threadstart when it all started but then you got a bunch of losers coming in trying to referee, it's pretty pathetic
  16. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    hopefully he takes them and shits the bed and does the world a favor
  17. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    good one dude!! That's right in line with "I know you are but what am I" Gotta love it. Stay mad.
  18. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    LMAO this guy gave me neg rep saying "your grammar and punctuation IS awesome" well if you want to try to act like you're a genius then you should know that sentence in itself is grammatically incorrect...hilarious
  19. newb985

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth?

    another low life playing captain save a hoe:spew:
  20. newb985

    Marijuana and working??

    ^^ lol Actually since I started this thread I thought I should make a note that I can't smoke for like 3 months because Iam going to be doing this internship which is really competitive and could lead to a good job.... so basically the first 2 days without pot have been pretty tough but...