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    No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

    Hey, man, that's me. Not the CEO but I do own some of those companies. Well, only tiny pieces, but I do own some.:wall:
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    No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

    Absolutely wrong again. Runaway profits? Since when do we determine how successful a business should be? What about the cell phone industry runaway profits. Apple stock is doing good, are their profits runaway? If I had invested in gold a year ago would that have been runaway profits? Costco...
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    What would you personally do?

    You know, this thread reveals some of the real people behind the screen names. MM, I disagree with most of your posts, and your political philosophy as I discern it. Yet, we are alike in many ways, I think. I am rightwing conservative. I fully believe in the principles of conservatism, and...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Thank you sir, we see a some of the same shit, don't we?:lol:
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. They don't need my broken down ass there. I can't claim to be one of those good shaped guys anymore. Too many hard miles on this old cowboy. Just seems to me the math was a little wrong, you know? And seeing that this had to do with Blackwater, and hired...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Who is this cat? I only been here sporadically from about August or whenever it says I joined, and I have a relatively low post count cause I don't post a dozen times a night per thread, but for a guy that joined in November, he sure has a strong opinion on what will be tolerated here. From what...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    If my aging memory serves me correctly, Reagan was president from '81-89 and George H.W. Bush was vice president. G.H.W. Bush served from 89-93. That would make most of those mercs about 50 to 60 years old. Now I admit, those military guys are mostly pretty good shape, but, if it was me I would...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Hey, man, I beat that mission in COD4 on Hardened level. That was COD4, wasn't it? Truly awesome power and technology is useless without the will to win. Americans have, sadly, lost that will. We are quickly becoming toerags to the current true threat to the world and our way of life. That...
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    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    Insurance companies (multi billion dollar corporations) typically pay 90% of their claims. You can sue the insurance company in court. Good luck suing the Federal Government:wall::wall::wall:
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    Kilgore Trout wrote this post. I doubt if Democrat could spell Truth and no doubt would benefit from having it explained to them.:wall: This thread has, like most other threads, has deteriorated to a forum for name-calling and slanderous remarks by people with have no real knowledge and ain't...
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    You know, This is the kind of stuff that, when read, tips the reader off immediately that the author has no clues at all. Unless you know something (and let's confine this to what you can verify with facts) different,don't make accusations. I know Sarah and have worked briefly with Todd. I know...
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    Whay many of us believe about America

    you know, Ijust found this thread today, and I see quotes that must be from somewhere else and I detect a certain animosity with a few members here towards Heaven. This is the internet and nothng goes away.Apparently anything said anywhere can be quoted in any thread to prove some vague point...
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    conservative pussies!

    perhaps some clarification here Wordz. I am not sure where this Iraqistan is. If your point is to show ignorance of world geography, that's cool. done...If you meant to infer that the fighters in Iraq came from all over the Middle East, Bingo. Right again. Conservatives believe in freedom...
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    Dem Health bill to get AARP backing

    Given that incoming CEO of AARP, A Barry Rand, gave $8,900 to Obama's campaing in 2007- 2008, gave $4,500 to a leadership PAC maintained by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) between 2004-2008, it comes as no surprise that this staunch Democrat would support this...
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    News Quiz

    I had a temporary lapse of reason and blanked on the Fed Reserve Chairman. I knew it I just blanked until I saw it in the answer. Nevertheless, this is a sort of entrance test to see if you have even the basics about what is happening on the other end of the joint (or pipe, or balloon...) to...
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    Is Obama competent?

    In looking thru the posts made by CC it is obvious that he has no idea of conservative principles. Or maybe he does, but does not believe in them. However it shakes out, CC is no conservative. With apologies to Lloyd Bentson, let me say, I know conservatives, many of my friends are...
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    A Simple Question for Obama

    While many people have little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at UTFSM did so recently and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and...
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    White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

    Are you nucking futs? PMSNBC is the no question hands down winner at total fabrication. Thats lying for those of you in Rio Linda...Keith Slobberman and Rachel Madcow are two of the worst smear merchants in all of news entertainment. The hate and vitriol that spews from their mouths on a nightly...
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    Thank the President

    Don't impact my pale white ass? I beg your pardon, but those agencies burn up billions of tax dollars. My tax dollars. Bureaucrats sucking up money and pushing paper around. Complete waste. As for kissing Obama's ass, get real. The man is destroying our economy, our freedoms of speech, and, to...
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    My Custom PC Grow Box

    Neat trick but I don't see the point...90 days in that small box and you get how much? Economy of scale, dude. Grow bigger plants in a bigger box. On the other hand, I guess this would work great for the autoflowering strains that don't get very tall anyway. Maybe you have something here, after all.