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  1. M

    i Need Help! Purple Leaves

    I think what he meant was what kind od weed is it (strain) Northern lights, whit widow ect.....?
  2. M

    they smell yummy........

    no pics, moving and packed camera. I will post pics ASAP after we get settled in. about a week.
  3. M

    they smell yummy........

    So last night I was checking on Shorty and Roberta and they smell nice and skunky, yummy, yummy, yummy....... how nice 28 days and 25 days........:hump::hump::hump::hump:
  4. M


    oh yea I am soo sorry about your ladies, hope they are ok.
  5. M


    I am going to hold off for a while I think the soil has nutes in it already that may be why they were doing so well in the first place. I feel like a neglectfull parent:cry: my babies will make it through this I know it.
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    well they have 4 sets of true leafs, but yes I doo agree way too early for nutes but I was under the assumption that 3 weeks was a good time to start nutes, and I diluted it way down from the called for dose, like half of a half of a dose? will Roberta survive? what about Shorty???:cry:
  7. M


    oh and one more thing they finally have smell and they smell great. It was bag seed so I have no clue what stain it is but its smells skunky...:hump:
  8. M


    Ok so I dont know the terminoligy but I gave my plants nutw burn, my younger plant 24 days old lost 2 leaves. the very first set that comes in right after the clover looking leaves? I had to cut them off roberta they were soo bad that they were crumbling. the first set of tru leafs have dark...
  9. M

    Who are you? a/s/l

    25/female/midwest USA
  10. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    that sucks hope urs make it, should i slip the burnt leaves?
  11. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    lol thanks I flushed them as I said and moved the lights farther away from them we will see i hope shorty and roberta make it through ok.
  12. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    no my computer is a dinasaur and wont play stuff like that useually some odd reason its seems to be working tonight... and I dont really surf the web mostly talk to friends and read stuff, i know its weird:hump:
  13. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    LMAO!!! I still wish I had weed!!!!!!!:hump:
  14. M

    NOT AGAIN (need help)

    its the light cycle i tried 24/0 and it killed my plants too, so I switched to 18/6 they are doing alot better now if this doesnt help then i dont know whats wrong.
  15. M

    Newbie In Need Of Some Help

    grow faqs...:hump:
  16. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    wtf is this its not an answer to the question. though it was an interesting little bit of umm yeah share what ur smoking, I am out and have a 9 hour road trip ahead of me :cry:. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! back to my question i flushed them earlier and moved the lights away from them I...
  17. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    they are 23 and 20 days old i used 1/2 of 1/2 of the suggested amount also they are in african violet soil if this helps. oh i just want the, to survive this :neutral:
  18. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    no pic in the process of moving and my computer wont upload the oics sorry...
  19. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    :confused:friday i bought some shultz plant food plus, and a few days ago i noticed that one had dark brown spots and the leafs were drying out(now they both have the spots). i barley watered them before this so was it the plant food? what else could this be? or am I way off?
  20. M

    is his normal??

    i am just a info hungry grower, and want to under stand every single aspect. glad i asked weather anyone knows or not thanks... :joint::mrgreen: