Search results

  1. strain horder

    Sin City Seeds Dream n Sour...any good????

    I have grown Dream N Sour twice now and same with Buddhas on Moonshine. I have found 3 different phenos of the Dream n Sour. 2 very tall. Both look very blue dreamish. One was very sweet smelling the other was a bit more fuely smelling. The short pheno is very sweet smelling. I haven't...
  2. strain horder

    why is my seedling growing slow in coco?

    I wouldn't feed it anything but root stimulator until you get a few sets of leaves. If you aren't sure. Go get a product called Canna Start. Feed it with that until you have a little plant going (probably 2 weeks). Then switch to your vegging nutrient and gradually bring up your...
  3. strain horder

    Small Green Bugs Under Soil

    root aphids look a bit like ticks.. i mean they have a round body like a tick. They are slow moving and you will usually see them crawling around the pots or near the drain holes of your pots. Eventually they will grow a bigt enough population that some will be born with wings and they will...
  4. strain horder

    Sin City Seeds

    What I found was that the Dream n Sour popped some balls around week 3ish.. It was typically only on one branch. I had cuttings from 3 potential mothers and the cuttings from 2 of them popped balls at week 3ish. I tossed them. I gave a buddy a few cuttings before I got the balls and he got...
  5. strain horder

    Oh Crap - Bananas and question

    You can try and hit it with reverse from Dutch Masters. I used it on some XJ that popped balls and bananas and it worked well. I had 32 of them and they were all popping them and I didn't get a single seed. It isn't something I use very often but the few times I did use reverse, it worked...
  6. strain horder

    Growing in canna coco natural

    If you are using CANNA nutrients, then yes you just need A&B for both veg and flower. The PK 13/14 per CANNA is to be used for one week (I think it's week 4 or 5 in flower). I don't use CANNA nutrients anymore so I am going off of nutrients. I know many guys that used PK 13/14 straight...
  7. strain horder

    water chiller question

    i ran a seperate chiller for each system. I ran roughly 30 5 gallon buckets per sytem. I ran 1hp chillers. be careful where you place the chillers. They throw out a TREMENDOUS amount of heat. Don't leave them in the same room as your buckets... Biggest question is probably how many buckets...
  8. strain horder

    my plant on 5 week flowering neem oil

    I never use once I have buds forming..
  9. strain horder

    1 basic question about Drip systems

    Use them. You can get a true "drip" going. I haven't run that system in a good 4-5 years but I think with the 1/2 gph size, I would run them for around 10 minutes.. Basically, I would time the feed until I got run off and that is what I would set my timer too.. Can't remember the actual...
  10. strain horder

    1 basic question about Drip systems

    Are u using chokers? If you are using them, this shouldn't be a problem. Just have to check to make sure they aren't getting clogged. I use to run an automatic drip system for about 5 years and the only issue I ever had was clogging.. Also, depending on how big your buckets are, you may want...
  11. strain horder

    Dehumidifier water anyone?

    Dehumidifier water has heavy metals in it. Not good for plants. I wouldn't use it for your growing MMJ..
  12. strain horder

    last two weeks of flower question.

    That is a strain specific question.. Some strains explode the last few weeks and add tons of weight. Some basically don't change that much weight wise the last few weeks. Really depends on the strain..
  13. strain horder

    My ppm water

    generaly speaking, 200 ppm is about as high as you want your water to start at.. I think that just ppm isn't enough info though. You really want to know what is IN the tap water... Get a water report and check the level of sodium and such. also, see if your water department uses Chloramine...
  14. strain horder

    Does anyone know how much progressive options clones cost? (Pacoima, So. Cal)

    They charge $10 each on 20+ orders. What strain are you interested in? They had mother issues like 4-6 months ago and got rid of lots of their mothers. Since then, their production has been pretty slow. I ordered some cuttings of Louis XIII OG, California Love and Heriougana OG and the lead...
  15. strain horder

    Did I do something wrong when cloning?

    actually took a second look at that pic and they aren't wilting, it's just the weight of the top pulling them over.. There are no roots yet to stabalize the stalk. It's like having a flag pole in a hole before you poor the concrete...... You can't get the pole to stand up straight... They...
  16. strain horder

    Did I do something wrong when cloning?

    they'll perk up under a light. Just give them a bit and they will be fine.. Make sure to maintain your humidity under the dome. I would use Rhizotic from CANNA instead of just water to Mist with. Cuts down rooting time IMHO...
  17. strain horder

    seed breeders from usa.

    In CA there are some clone places and dispenseries that sell seeds. As far as US based breeders, I have had good luck with DNA and Reserva Privada. I just don't use the feminized... I love Subcool's stuff but you may have to pop a good number of seeds to find the keeeper. but man are the...
  18. strain horder

    How many lights?

    I would rather have 3 600's than 2 1000's. You will actually get more lumens out of 3 600's than you will out of 2 1000's. Plus you will run cooler and if you are in a tent and could have height issues, you can get your plants much closer to the 600's than you can on 1000's. Just my 2 cents..
  19. strain horder

    Looking for solid a indoor sativa...

    Apollo 13 BX by TGA Subcool. 8 week finish and it is a very uplifting and motivating strain. It's incredible. Easy to grow in many different styles (SOG, SCROG, Big bushes). Jack the Ripper by TGA Subcool is another great one. Kyle Kushman's Strawberry Cough is a great sativa and easy to...