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  1. strain horder

    Setting up a small grow in a rented house

    It really depends on the state you are in. One states rental laws don't apply in another. I can tell you in CA it's not that big of a deal. In CA, the only time a landlord has the right to enter without your permission is : 1) and emergency like a fire or a your unit is flooding the one...
  2. strain horder

    Plants per 1000w

    depends on the strain and how much time I am going to veg. If I am gonna veg like 2 months+, I'll use 5 gallon pots and do 6-7 per 1000 watt light. If I am only gonna veg like 2-4 weeks, I'll usually flower in 3 gallon pots and do 9 per 1000 watt light. Certian strains like Arctic Sun or...
  3. strain horder

    White rhino yellowing leaves

    Do u use RO'd water? What medium are u growing in? U adding any CaMg?
  4. strain horder

    Changing from 18h of light to 24h?

    yes you can switch to 24 hours no problem... Just make sure temps don't get to warm in the hottest part of the day..
  5. strain horder

    Commercial Growing

    good luck with yearly inspections.. how u gonna explain your garden to the fire marshall or building inspector?? Pretty stupid idea... Even dumber coming to a forum to ask for advice on how to create a criminal enterprise... You may want to check out Barnes and Nobels and see if they have...
  6. strain horder

    Trouble calibrating Bluelab Pen

    calibrate it. Do you know what the PH of the water you are soaking it in is? I would then test it for a few days to see if it stays calibrated. It will probably be fine after you calibrate it. Also, be careful with the PH pen. You can damage the probe when you pull off the blue cap. Make...
  7. strain horder

    Real og kush characteristics

    What most of the guys I know that have been in and around for the past 20 years growing all pretty much will say the same thing about OG Kush. The real original OG's were Sativas, long stretchy moderate yielders, longer flower time (10 weeks) a totally unique funky smell and a notoriously...
  8. strain horder

    is aquafina bad for my girls??

    LOL.... I wasn't thinking bottled water. I was thinking of the CANNA nutrient specifically for Water based systems. I know the name is Aqua something?? I don't actually use it as I don't grow in water.... That's to funny... I can't believe that I didn't realize you were all talking...
  9. strain horder

    Issue with curing

    3-5 days probably isn't enough of a dry.. When I trim fresh wet weed, after I trim, I will hang from 6-10 days to dry before it goes in the jar. If they are larger or slower drying, I will leave longer. When I chop and dry the whole plant and don't trim first, I typically dry 14- 20 days...
  10. strain horder

    is aquafina bad for my girls??

    I'm not positive but I believe that aquafina is for a water based grow (DWC). It probably won't do anything horrible but there are plenty of base nutrients specifically developed for particular mediums. I believe that aquafina is a CANNA product. If you are in soil and want to use CANNA, I...
  11. strain horder

    How much time to recover after topping?

    If you can, I would wait 2 weeks after topping to flip. When you top, you send signal for hormonal change to put energy into repairing the plant if you will. If you can't wait that long, I have topped in week 1 of flower with no obvious negative effects.. I once moved a bubba kush that was in...
  12. strain horder


    Foxtailing is typically from heat.. I notice it when temps get above 81 degrees F indoors. If it gets much hotter than that, the foxtailing gets much worse and really starts to stretch things out.. I do think that it is also a genetic trait to a point as well but I think heat is the main...
  13. strain horder

    How much is BS?

    depends on the nutrients. Some if left in a resivor for 3 days, they start to build up a bio-film.. If you use organic and nutrients with lots of beneficial bacteria and such, you can get some nasty sludge build up in your feed lines.
  14. strain horder

    Enough light

    I wouldn't try to do anymore than 9sq ft with a single 400 watt light... look into the inverse square law. Once you get a basic understanding of it, you can do a rough calculation on how many lumens u are getting say 3 ft from the bulb... You will shit yourself when you see how every ft you...
  15. strain horder

    Over or underwatered? Help please

    looks like transplant stress. Give it 2-3 days it will most likely pop back nice.
  16. strain horder

    Is two 240 CFM fans enough??

    lets do the math.. You want to be able to extract all air from room in roughly 1 minute... So 4x4x7= 112 cubic feet. Your fan is 240 CFM so you should be fine. Now remember, if you have any bends in your ducting, you lose CFM's... So try and have as few bends in it as possible..
  17. strain horder

    When to flush?

    I think flush depends on the medium you are growing in, the nutrients you are using. I grow in Coco and Use a Synthetic base nutrient and mineral organic additives. I flush 2 times the last week. I think if you use high quality nutrients where your salt build up will be minimal, you probably...
  18. strain horder

    State with Best MMJ Laws?

    CA is a joke. I have never heard of anyone not getting a mmj rec in this state. I've had one since 99. Back then it was a bit tougher to find a doctor to do it but not anymore... Easier to get a mmj rec then approval to adopt a dog from a shelter. Plant count out here was generally 12...
  19. strain horder

    harvest or try to deal with heat?

    Didn't see any signs of serious heat stress. No canoeing on the leaves. Foxtailing was mild and didn't look like it is causing any major flower formation issues. I would run for the next week or two.
  20. strain horder

    Need help with PH an feeding supplys

    Hate to disagree but if you are using Coco and not growing 100% plant based organics, then PH is very important. With the Nutrients you are suggesting to him, PH and EC are extremely important. If you are growing purely organic (u are probably in soil if you are), then PH and EC are not...